"My Build Is Secret!"

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Boone
I prefer to not share my builds, I made some really good builds, and they got nerfed because I told so many people. (for example, spirit bond monk >.<)

I keep my builds to myself now >.>
I'm sorry to hear that you think Spirit Bond got nerfed because of you :\

That's putting unwarrented guilt on your own shoulders because that build was known and widely used since the day after Factions came out.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2006



Hows bout we call everyone who doesnt share their builds, 'NOOBS'. This name stands tall for many reasons listed already like observing their skill when you're dead, and monking. people shouldnt be so confidential when it comes to builds. I like to laugh like hell when i think about it.. its only a matter of choosing 8 different skills, EIGHT!! and sometimes seven when u include rez, BUT EIGHT HAHHA. they spend all their time thinking of the 'perfect build combination' when in the end its just a matter of who you are matched up with in battle.

oh, and if i dont wanna be a noob, i better show my build .lol

Lightining Reflexes
Favorable Winds
Marauder's shot
Dual Shot
Kindle Arrowz
Conjure Flame
Mark of Rodgort



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Inde is Smoking [Hawt] *ToA*


Originally Posted by Boone
I prefer to not share my builds, I made some really good builds, and they got nerfed because I told so many people. (for example, spirit bond monk >.<)

I keep my builds to myself now >.>
shhhhh dont tell but I created IWAY, RaO Thumpers, And RANGER SPIKE!

seriously do what everyone else does and Watch observer mode... cant begin to say how many SF ele fruits are running around in ab.

Lord Nibiru

Lord Nibiru

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006




I like making builds,because I think that true good players are good if they are making they own builds
example....assassin who play shadow prison builds they thinks they are very good and they call you noob when they kill you,R/N also thinks they are good when they kill warrior....
but when I use Viper's defense with assassin and then iron palm falling spider,twisting fangs etc. I am noob...but I kill shadow prison assassin.
or if I use siphon speed with caster on warrior,assassin,toucher or Dervish I am also noob becasue I use that skill...but they are again killed and I live.

Or when I play with my warrior helping ppl doing Villainy of Galrath quest ( because I can solo it) they are very happy,but when they hear what build I use they say: "Ah....." and that is really annoying.I play tanker with 3 attacking skills in PvE with 16 in sword,11 in healing and 10 in Strenght ( or i change healing for tactic if there are many mesmers creatures) and I think that warrior needs be that who will take damage so casters and other professions can safely kill them ( what doesn't means i don't kill)

I am very happy when I tank with my wammo in AB,but when come anti-warrior mesmer with 5 hex and his friend toucher while I tank 8 other ppl+11 minions I am noob because they kill me...I think,ffs you are good player if you can kill 2 or 3 prof alone.....(example: assassin,ele,and Dervish with no evade or block attacks)

Or when I on my monk deadly arts with smiting skills(example,iron palm-holy strike,entangling asp-stonesoul strike,signet of toxic shock) I am again NOOB,but I kill my target

I would say: Noobs are players who copy best builds,thinks they are good and then get owned against some1 who made his own build



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Inde is Smoking [Hawt] *ToA*


Originally Posted by Lord Nibiru
I like making builds,because I think that true good players are good if they are making they own builds
example....assassin who play shadow prison builds they thinks they are very good and they call you noob when they kill you,R/N also thinks they are good when they kill warrior....
but when I use Viper's defense with assassin and then iron palm falling spider,twisting fangs etc. I am noob...but I kill shadow prison assassin.
or if I use siphon speed with caster on warrior,assassin,toucher or Dervish I am also noob becasue I use that skill...but they are again killed and I live.

Or when I play with my warrior helping ppl doing Villainy of Galrath quest ( because I can solo it) they are very happy,but when they hear what build I use they say: "Ah....." and that is really annoying.I play tanker with 3 attacking skills in PvE with 16 in sword,11 in healing and 10 in Strenght ( or i change healing for tactic if there are many mesmers creatures) and I think that warrior needs be that who will take damage so casters and other professions can safely kill them ( what doesn't means i don't kill)

I am very happy when I tank with my wammo in AB,but when come anti-warrior mesmer with 5 hex and his friend toucher while I tank 8 other ppl+11 minions I am noob because they kill me...I think,ffs you are good player if you can kill 2 or 3 prof alone.....(example: assassin,ele,and Dervish with no evade or block attacks)

Or when I on my monk deadly arts with smiting skills(example,iron palm-holy strike,entangling asp-stonesoul strike,signet of toxic shock) I am again NOOB,but I kill my target

I would say: Noobs are players who copy best builds,thinks they are good and then get owned against some1 who made his own build
Well Tanks arent for pvp, wars should always be damage. However people dont understand that Blind/snares/etc can cripple a physical dmg class, its really gay when air eles who use blind call you a noob cause well of course there going to win.... just ignore people, because most people that play this game are complete jackasses.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Tools

To infer that Anet knows, gains knowledge of your super build and then sets about nerfing it, well... lets just say it says loads.
The person the OP mentions cussiong at him for asking what build they were running is ridiculous, it is one thing to be like 'Sorry I think Anet is watching me ", but other than that I can see no reason for not sharing what can be crucial info, anyone not into synching skills to work with the rest of the team, is probably going to make the mission harder.
People that dont want to share the farming build they run solo, well hey its their build, they run it alone, I have no need to know it, other than idle curiousity, but if you join a team and freek if or when someone asks you to ping your bar, you need to remind yourself that this is just a game we play, these are not state secrets.

Lord Nibiru

Lord Nibiru

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006




Maybe I said it wrong. I know that warriors in PvP are for damage,that is what I am doing,in PvE I am tanker,but sometimes I like play tanker just in AB because so many players there are "stupid" because they don't leave you,they want kill you, what is funny because then other shrines are easy to cap and then in a matter of seconds,from 1 shrine that we had,we have 6 XD

sorry for my grammar,I have been learning English 9 months,but I think you know what I wanted to say



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Sam I Are
I highly doubt only you knew about the spirit bond monk, then told everybody so it was nerfed...

Suure.. that's why I started using it the first day factions came out.
I then told pretty much people, friends, guildies. 2 weeks later, a lot of people came with crappy versions of it.. so I still think, that is my creation.

I have some builds I am using right now, that no one else does (I hope ).
I haven't told anyone, and i'm planning not to as well. see how long it will take before someone will think of this build and then put it on the net/tell a lot of people so it'll get nerfed.

That is why I never tell anyone, except my best friends I trust, my own made builds.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007


none yet.


When in a team PvP, you need to know what your team's builds are so you can work with it and make a team build what works for the better, and always have a backup plan as well. Good stuff. I'm glad finally someone brought this up.

evil joo

evil joo


Join Date: Jan 2007

Joo Will Always Love [mini]


i asked this guy what was he running...he said that he will tell me if I paid him 4k...

Splatter Mcnasty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005



For all you people who think that ANet doesnt nerf skills that many people post about, take a look at the changes coming to Sympathetic Visage and Ancestral Visage.

With these changes, you'll now have to pump a lot more attribute points into Illusion magic, and you'll have to cast a lot more often (hello, energy drain) just to maintain constant coverage.

This change is being made because of all the hundreds of farming builds that rely on these 2 skills to drain enemy energy.

Think about it, in the recent months, many people have started using these skills in farming (specifically, soloing in the Underworld), and posting their builds on forums. ANet reads the forums and decides to make it more difficult to farm using these skills. If you doubt me, just look around these boards at the number of builds using these 2 skills.