The new "egg timer" skill icons
I don't understand now why it takes a split second to load each skill icon. It makes interupting with a mesmer pure hell. I can't work out if the casting skill is a spell so can't work out which sort of interupt is needed. This is tempory Nightfall problem right?

I think they're testing some new kind of loading system.
I think I load maps way faster, because they don't preload skills that might be activated. They load when they appear.
It's like the JIT (just-in-time delivery ).
I think I load maps way faster, because they don't preload skills that might be activated. They load when they appear.
It's like the JIT (just-in-time delivery ).
I can't say ive seen a speed increase at all. I wish this was an option then since it is a big problem for me. PvE wise anyway.
Originally Posted by ]SK[
I can't say ive seen a speed increase at all. I wish this was an option then since it is a big problem for me. PvE wise anyway.
Usually, on preview weekends it gets really slow. However, on the lighter side of things I believe I noticed less lag this weekend personally than I normally would.
I noticed more lag, and the egg timer as well.
i have the same egg problem and i must say it is wery annoying ....so do u think its gona to last just to the end of this event or what..