Spirits Strength is a new Ritualist Elite that increases the damage you do when you have a weapon spell equipped.
You can find the info here: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Spirit%27s_Strength
The thing is, Its in the Spawning power attribute!
Not only does this make it completely useless to Rit secondaries, it doesn't make any sense at all. There are no weapon spells in Spawning power, so it means you have to invest a load of points in spawning power, and then a load more in the attributes that have the weapon spells you want (Restoration, Channeling or Communing)
This makes no sense game wise at all. The spawning power attribute increases the health of spirits you make, but if your using Spirit's Strength, its almost certain that your going to be running a load of weapon spells and not spirits.
Its doesn't even make sense Lore-wise: Your harnessing the power of spirits, so why isn't it in communing or channelling?
Please Anet, Its not that its broken, underpowered or overpowered, its just in the completely wrong attribute ><. even if you had a reason of putting it there, such as to stop it being abused by warriors, its hardly overpowered with the amount of Enchant hate skills in Nightfall.
if you want to keep the balance distribution of Elites in attributes, why not switch it with Signet of Spirits in channelling magic? It would make much more sense: there are a lot of weapon spells in Channelling magic, so Spirit's Strength would go well in there, but there are only 2 spirits, so Signet of Spirits isn't much use. if you moved Signet of Spirits to Spawning power it would make a lot more sense; if you have high spawning power its assumed you will be summoning a lot of spirits, and so signet of spirits fits in well.
Thank you.
Spirit's Strength - Please change Attribute
Another skill that has the exact same problem, IMO, is Sight Beyond Sight. It prevents you from being blinded, and according to Guildwiki it's tied to Spawning Power. There aren't too many instances when a Ritualist would need this skill, and since it's tied to their primary, other classes who actually could benefit from it aren't able to invest in it.
Maybe these can target an ally, and not just youself.
Thats what I originally thought Renegade, that I would be a warrior buffer and enchance all the warriors on my team, but Both Enchantments (Sight beyond sight and Spirit's Strength) both say "You can xxxxx", and they won't work on other allies, I tried it.
i guess they want ritualist to have a go at melee? looks that way
much like at first you would ask, why would a necro go melee? but it can and be pretty good.
rit has armor with +15 while in weap spell no? well 75 aint bad for melee as a caster, and doing strong dmg, is it? quit cryin bout it and make a build
much like at first you would ask, why would a necro go melee? but it can and be pretty good.
rit has armor with +15 while in weap spell no? well 75 aint bad for melee as a caster, and doing strong dmg, is it? quit cryin bout it and make a build
Kai Nui
Many things are stupid in this game. Like what's the point of Skill Hunter title in Night Fall if my forms are only going to last 1 second without dervish primary. Even being a mesmer, you'd have to be a Me/D with the form equipped, Arcane Mimicry someone with Signet of Illusions, have good illusion stat, and then cast the sig, and end with casting your form. Not the easiest thing in the world, and if you're not a mesmer it's just plain retarded. Not like someone's going to cast melandru to remove all conditions either, it has a 2 second casting time. Freaking ridiculous.
Song Rui
Originally Posted by Kai Nui
Many things are stupid in this game. Like what's the point of Skill Hunter title in Night Fall if my forms are only going to last 1 second without dervish primary. Even being a mesmer, you'd have to be a Me/D with the form equipped, Arcane Mimicry someone with Signet of Illusions, have good illusion stat, and then cast the sig, and end with casting your form. Not the easiest thing in the world, and if you're not a mesmer it's just plain retarded. Not like someone's going to cast melandru to remove all conditions either, it has a 2 second casting time. Freaking ridiculous.
Hmm strange. Anyway, as a Rt primary, you can boost your wand to do very big amounts of damage with this skill. Pack up flurry and test it 
About the Blind protection - seems strange this way...maybe it is really for Rt melee..otherwise it can become imba skill very easy. Almost every gvg warrior will bring it with him.

About the Blind protection - seems strange this way...maybe it is really for Rt melee..otherwise it can become imba skill very easy. Almost every gvg warrior will bring it with him.
Yeah ..well..the picture is freaking awesome Rawr.
Originally Posted by Song Rui
And you can't get the forms with arcane mimicry...