Regarding Trapping and more...


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


The Queens of Ascalon


Well my character ir a R/Me8 and I have not come across anything regarding trapping yet in the game. From the manual, it says I can set up traps for mobs to come across, but where can I get these traps? Are they akills?

Also, there is a way to upgrade your weapons besides "customizing" them, isn't there?

Thanks for your time...

Mega Storm

Mega Storm

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Iacon City Cybertron

[MEGA] formerly EOE/LUST/LaZy


Here's the list so you can see all of the traps out there and then some.

Flame Trap and Barbed Trap are awsome imo.

Yes you can change the mods on your weapons. You'll have to salvage the mods from something else or buy them from ppl.

Example: You own "Barbed shortbow of Dragonslaying" could change 1 or 2 of the mods. (first or last word on the weapon) to be something like "Vampiric shortbow of Fortitude"..and the list goes on.

Astro Pubes

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Houston, Texas

Gwen Is [EVIL]

Traps are skills which depending upon which game you have limits you to which traps you can get. There are Prophecies (Tyria): Barb, Dust, Flame, Spike and Factions (Canthan): Snare, Vipers Nest and maybe another that i'm forgetting at the moment. Trapping is a major use for Ranger, once you get ascended and goto either Temple of Ages or Zin Ku Corridor you'll notice alot of 4 man Trap groups that utilize Spike, Barb, Dust and Flame traps as well as a spirit and a resurrection spell. Many people farm ectoplasm globs this way.

Bows and customizing, you have a prefix and a suffix to the weapons name something like (Sundering)flatbow of (fortitude) the sundering is an amor pentration and the fortitude is a health mod, aside from being able to interchange those the bow's max damage is 15-28 piercing damage. Now there are some bows out there that have inherant damage mods on them like the most popular sought after one, +15% damage while your health is above 50%. so that will give you a little extra damage, also if you talk to a weapon smith you can customize for +20% damage always use for that character only.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Pacific NW, USA

Team of Oblivious Targets [TOOT]

Originally Posted by FragMonkey
Well my character ir a R/Me8 and I have not come across anything regarding trapping yet in the game. From the manual, it says I can set up traps for mobs to come across, but where can I get these traps? Are they akills?
When my friend and I first started playing he went with a Ranger and I kept asking him the same thing. "What are traps? Do you have any yet?"

As it turns in out, in Tyria (Prophecies campaign) you don't have access to traps (because you don't have the option to get any) until you get to Kryta. Depending on where you are in the game this could be a long ways off yet. Here is a general idea of how the early stages of the campaign progresses so you can see where Kryta is in relation to where you are:
Pre-Searing Ascalon --> Post-Searing Ascalon --> Northern Shiverpeaks --> Kryta

Here is a more specific GuildWiki page about traps including links to a list of all Trap skills and a general guide on how they work and how to use them -



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

Glasgow, Scotland

Banished Dragons


Originally Posted by 0moikane
When my friend and I first started playing he went with a Ranger and I kept asking him the same thing. "What are traps? Do you have any yet?"

As it turns in out, in Tyria (Prophecies campaign) you don't have access to traps (because you don't have the option to get any) until you get to Kryta. Depending on where you are in the game this could be a long ways off yet. Here is a general idea of how the early stages of the campaign progresses so you can see where Kryta is in relation to where you are:
Pre-Searing Ascalon --> Post-Searing Ascalon --> Northern Shiverpeaks --> Kryta

Here is a more specific GuildWiki page about traps including links to a list of all Trap skills and a general guide on how they work and how to use them -
I'm sure you can get flame trap in northern shiverpeaks from one of the quests...

edit // apparently not... i was sure thats where i got it, but oh well :/

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Its the desert before you have all your Chapter 1 traps.

But its worth it when you get them. Trappers are an awesome build for certain things.

Setup traps and pull the monsters over them



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Its the desert before you have all your Chapter 1 traps.
You don't get Spike Trap until Ring of Fire mission near the end of the game.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Originally Posted by Carth`
You don't get Spike Trap until Ring of Fire mission near the end of the game.

Non-elite I should have rather said.

In PvE there are often times much better elites for Trapping than Spike Trap.