Problem Motivating Members and Such

Durik Lakmor

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


Pearl of Great Price


My guild, which I love, is small but pretty inactive. We may have 2-3 Members on at a time, 5 at most and often only myself.

I was wondering if anyone here had some tips for increasing the activity in members or holding on to the few that are while most are not.




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005



It's difficult to motivate people in GW unless you have some heavy competetive elements in your guild. Otherwise, GW is just a dull reminder of the lack of intelligence in a given internet society.

You wait for the Nightfall release onslaught to come. . . Then the rest just occurs. Setting up some sort of prospective "we'll rock this expansion together" might be fun. Avoiding PUGs in a new release is probably one of the best attributes of being a guild member. Try to see if that gets people interested.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


Do you have any extra money you can use to motivate members? I've been playing for a long time now, so I've got some extra money I can put into guild stuff. About every other month I used to run an alliance battle/faction farming motivational week or weekend depending on my funds. Here is what I would do. I would pay the guild members for their faction donations towards our guild. For example, I would pay them 2k for 5k of faction donated and 5k for 10k donated. You can choose any monetary amount to plug into that equation. The donation had to be witnessed by myself or another officer that I entrusted money to. I had a couple of officers that were also willing to pay the players out of their own funds for it as well. I would never ask my officers for money though. Now that faction farming and town ownership isn't that big of a deal to us, I'm trying to think up other ways to motivate. I have members that are really hungry to try GVG but we are having trouble setting up a team of 8 even though we have 70 members in the guild. I'm thinking of making some GVG nights and pay people for joining up on those nights. I'm thinking of paying the monks more than the rest to bring the closet monks out of the woodwork in my guild. Money talks is all I've gotta say, especially with members who are saving up for new armor.