Before I start, I've searched for a thread on this but can't find one. If there is already, can you point me to it and close this one. Cheers.
My question is in the title. Is there a method to the way drops are handled? Are they totally random or is everything evened out in the end? Is there somewhere that Anet has explained the way GW works out who gets what? Any factors involved or pure luck?
How are drops worked out?
Aah, found it on guildwiki. I was searching for "drops" but I tried "loot" and there it is. Incase anyone else is interested ...
Time for some philosophy: Wouldn't drops being totally random cause them to even out in the end anyway, if chances are equal?
Of course, we always see one person get 6 shards while you get 0 or whatever, and blame the game for hating us. But you only notice it when things go bad for you. When you have a good run, that's chance evening itself out. While you have a chance of a bad run, you have an equal chance of a good run.
Of course, we always see one person get 6 shards while you get 0 or whatever, and blame the game for hating us. But you only notice it when things go bad for you. When you have a good run, that's chance evening itself out. While you have a chance of a bad run, you have an equal chance of a good run.