Theres Beached Canthan Ship In Mehtani Keys its Full Of jade And Surrounded By Cosairs.. Could Be A Luxon Ship.
Just Thought It Was Interesting If You Want To See It Go South West In Mehtani KEys
Beached Canthan Ship In Mehtani Keys
Yea i've also seen it. They have like 2 cube-formed jade blocks, in the blocks you can see some fish. :}
it's stuff like this that makes GW shine
Giga Strike
maybe they just had jade in their boats.
Solar Light
That ship is Jataro Musagis, from cap son and another quest in silent surf, our wonderul child of nobelty that joins pirates and luxons, he got stranded on Istan
They were trying to escape that dreadful Chapter as well.
Musta hit a gate