Customized music?
I never understand why any game that ever comes out does not have this option. I have tons of mp3's that I would love to listen to during the game and I'm pretty sure this is fairly easy to implement. And it's not just me, tons of people have ipods and are used to have lots of gigabytes of music, so why can't we listen to it while playing?
Sli Ander
Thats why most people do one of the following(after turning down the music volume of the game):Turn on the radio, turn on a media player on the computer, use a cd/mp3/tape player, use a stereo.
If I get bored of the music I just switch to one of my playlists or the local rock station till I'm not anymore.
If I get bored of the music I just switch to one of my playlists or the local rock station till I'm not anymore.
Knightsaber Sith
Just turn down the volume slider for ingame music and have a playlist for realplayer or whatever running in the background. If your PC can't handle the game and the media player at once; grab an old cd player.
Exactly what the above said. Xbox, PS3 games have the option, because they're not PC's, but GW is a PC game. All you do is run WMP or iTunes or something in the background. If you want the option to be able to change track, run GW in a maximised window (run it windowed, filling the whole screen), or set up a global hotkey. If you want extra music for GW, then is the solution.
I agree with the last 3 posters, I sometimes listen music, but then I just let media player play the music in the background.
I like the normal guild wars music too though, krytan music is the nicest^^
I like the normal guild wars music too though, krytan music is the nicest^^
and if your like me and you have a G15, you can have winamp running from your LCD screen with out taking up your real screen. its handy!
um... winamp? windows media player? and NO its not easy to implement this kind of stuff, the game would still take more ram than having winamp running at the same time. You can also run windowmode and alt+tab to winamp or whatever you got running to change song.. and you can save playlists.
NOT SIGNED - Logicall reasons above
NOT SIGNED - Logicall reasons above