Collecters Edition
If i buy Factions CE and add it to my Factions account what happens?
Within the game:
Other real world items:
Added by
Reference this post from PlayNC:
From PlayNC reguarding theMiniature Kuunavang. Reference this post
- Special back-up dancers for Assassin and Ritualist
- Kuunavang dragon Miniature pet
Other real world items:
- Guild Wars Factions CD
- Premium Art Book (Concept and In Game Art)
- Desk Calendar
- Mouse Matt
- Poster
- Sticker Set
- Sound Track CD from Jeremy Soule
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Reference this post from PlayNC:
Additional character slots are provided to existing accounts based on the registration of additional campaigns, not by the type of access key (either Standard or Collector’s Edition) registered for that campaign. For each different campaign that is added to the same account, you will receive two additional character slots. * Registering a Collector’s Edition Access Key from a campaign your account already has access to will not provide that account with any additional character slots. * Registering a Collector’s Edition Access Key from a campaign that your account does not already have access to will provide two additional character slots to that account. All characters on your account will have access to the content for all campaigns that you have added to your account. |
The miniature of the dragon Kuunavang is a thank you gift for those players who have purchased the Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition. Only one miniature Kuunavang is awarded to each Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition *account* (not per character!). The miniature Kuunavang gift will be awarded to the first character that you bring into the game after you activate your Guild Wars Factions Collector's Edition access key. When you activate the retail access key from that edition, either alone or when added to an existing Guild Wars account, an in-game gift box will appear in the inventory of the very next character that you log in with that has an available inventory slot. Double-click the box to reveal your miniature Kuunavang. Double-click the miniature dragon when in an explorable area to bring forth your new companion. (Miniatures cannot be summoned within a town or outpost.) The miniature Kuunavang will function like the "birthday miniatures" awarded to characters that have existed for 12 months or longer: they are tradable, sellable (for in-game currency only!), and exchangeable between your characters. |
I guess, you will get new dance emotes for assassins and ritualist plus one miniature kuunavang summon.
Knightsaber Sith
You get the back up dancers on your sin/rit. That's it. Oh; you get a little kunnie too.
You will NOT get the 2 extra slots.
You already got these with the Reg. Faction edition.
You already got these with the Reg. Faction edition.
The Pointless
Also, Kuunavang was a "Thank you" that was added after Factions went live. It's not part of the original package, so be careful with it. You delete it, it's gone, and no amount of begging to PlayNC will get it back. Last I checked it was worth about 85 Plat.

thank you Chief that was most helpful