


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006


Since the Nightfall preview event . . my GW started to delete itself from 2GBish to a few MBs, yes it was once and i got over it, but then again it happened once again, i repatched the whole firggin thing again and then it happened again, conviniently one day after the other, which is pissing me off . .
So if anyone knows how to acctually fix this reply please =]]



Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Anchorage Alaska

Haz Team [HT]


you can use the switch command of

Gw.exe -repair

This will completly scan and reload the entire 2.7 GB GW.dat file to your HD.

Once you do this Archive it someplace. I keep a copy on my server if it gets corupted I just copy it back over manually over the LAN. Saves a ton of time reloading stuff...

If there is a significant update you need to do this again to update your archive.

I ended up making a shortcut on my desktop to use this switch whenI needed too. Then I just do it overnight and prob solved... it has not happened ina long time though. I still think it was related to a nasty Virus I had in a rootkit from another game... ever since I reloaded everything after a format it has not happened...

good luck.
