get Factions or Nightfall?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2005

I play the first GuildWars and now thinking to buy another one..

But I don't know which one.. I can buy Factions or wait a bit and buy Nightfall.

Those that played Factions and Nightfall beta..

What do you think was better?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Eh I forget... o_O

Biscuit of Dewm [MEEP]


Nightfall! I mean at this stage some might say its hard to say, but overall I generally hated Factions, so I will go with the goodness that was Nightfall Beta!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Nightfall. You will enjoy it more, and looking from the preview you will be getting more of a game.




Join Date: Apr 2006

While a WPE is no real preview of how the game will go, what's the chance it could be worse than Factions?



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006



Depends on what you are looking for. If you are looking for a more linear/shorter approach to PvE and a more acute turn towards PvP than Factions should be your choice. If you want a more open, free wielding PvE game that is similar to the original GW, get Nightfall.

One last thing to think about... When I first got Factions I HATED it, but after a while it has kindof grown on me. I do "like" it, but Prophecies is still my choice for PvE as will Nightfall when it is released. GL in your decision!




Join Date: Apr 2006

The problem is Factions is not a short approach to anything. The layout and implementation of the early areas make the later areas harder and more tedious to get to, effectively killing most casual interest in the game. I guess you could just createa PvP char and do alliance battles and Jade Quarry or the other one.



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

Knights and Heros


NIGHTFALL , Factions was a waste of money from now on I am only buying every other expansion. Two design teams one Awsome the other the suxor.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Wildly Unsuccessful Pacifists

I'd recommend Factions if you're interested in new forms of casual PVP and like a *fast* trip to lvl 20 in PVE.

I'd recommend Nightfall if you like a longer PVE game, judging from the preview weekend.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Phoolz Like Us


Ele's in Cantha found that they had to have Prophecies to get spells like Meteor Shower and Windborne Speed. Everyone found that you had to have Factions in order to get Material Storage and some other things.

Whether everything is available in Nightfall? Well with the model that's being displayed I'd guess not. If you want to have the most versatile character it would seem that you may need all the chapters. I'd get them both!

There's really nothing to these Nightfall naysayers. There's only a scant few things left in Prophecies that represents any kind of pve challenge, while in Nightfall most all the baddies knock you around pretty hard, and a whole lot more money can be made there while farming if you're into that. That said, I'm still happy so many still play Prophecies, so that when I do get bored and just want to pwn up on some Summits or something, I can still get into a pug easily.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

in my room behind my pc

Guilty Guild [GG]

buy factions now you still have 30 days before nightfall is released. leveling a new char in factions will take u a few hours finishing the game a few days (if u rush it) then get nightfall when its released double joy for you!!

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




From a skill standpoint, I'd say you can easily skip Factions and get away with it. Most builds I run are Propehecies-based still.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


If you really have to pick, Nightfall.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ostrava,Czech Republic


I couldnt wait for Nightfall, so i bought Factions and while its not like first part, its still great :P Who cares about levels, i didnt look at levels, but at fun part, graphic, atmosphere of land, not watching level bar all the time.

Lord Palidore

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

It depends.

Factions wasn't although I do think it was a disappointment, it's not as bad as people say it is.

If you really enjoyed playing the first Guild Wars, then Nightfall will be closer to Prophecies than Factions was.

Factions was a short, rushed game, with gaps in the storyline. The good thing it did provide though we're Alliance Battles, FA, etc.

Nightfall wont have any new pvp like that, just a wide world to explore with more things to do. Like I said, should be closer to what Prophecies was.

Your choice in the end though- I still did enjoy Factions for what it was anyways.

Sir Skullcrasher

Sir Skullcrasher

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005


15 over 50 [Rare]


I can't wait to get Nightfall too!



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005


Karr's Castle


Just from the PvE weekend I think Nightfall is much better. The Heros with change the game forever! We can only hope (wish) that they might spread the heros to the other 2 games and beyond.. (highly doubt it)

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Nightfall ! Simple.


Join Date: Dec 2005




Originally Posted by Doomslay
NIGHTFALL , Factions was a waste of money from now on I am only buying every other expansion. Two design teams one Awsome the other the suxor.

Doomslay. Factions design team will learn from their mistakes, and Nightfal dev team has learned from both chapters. Every chapter will continue to be better and better. My 2 cents.

@OP, if you have time, wait for people to play nightfall, then decide.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Electric Sky
Nightfall ! Simple.
what he said

Sorcha ravenlock

Sorcha ravenlock

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Little Wanderers


Once Nightfall is out, the price of Factions should drop after a while. Get Nightfall once it comes out,then get factions once it's priced down for the extra skills, the two classes and the storage upgrade



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

The Edge

Tormented Weapons [emo]

If it's an either/or question, I'd go with Nightfall. Factions was fine and I enjoyed it, but based on the preview weekend we just had, Nightfall is far superior.*

*Disclaimer: This is based on playing Nightfall for ONE weekend, so take my recommendation with a grain of salt.

Edit to add-->
Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
Most builds I run are Propehecies-based still.
Me too. While I have Factions based chars, I've hardly played them since finishing the game. But still play my Prophecies based chars almost everyday.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

I didn't think much of factions after playing the preview weekend for that game. But, I bought it anyway hoping that the "real thing" would be better than the sample, plus I'm a title hunter so that played a factor. After buying factions, I took 1 character through the whole story-line (it was a dreadful thing that was more of a pain in the butt than anything else.), I got the cartographer title, and capped all the elites there. That is the end of my PvE dealings with factions. Now all I do there is play ABs.

After the Nightfall preview, I'm looking forward to jumping in with both feet! I had fun playing a Paragon, and I think the heroes are going to be a great boon. I liked the first 2 mission in that there was more to them than just "go to mob, kill it, move to next mob, repeat. If they implemented gimmicks (like blowing stuff up in Mission 1) in other missions, It's going to be a lot of fun doing the storyline in this one.

I also liked that leveling up is a bit faster than in Prophecies, but not so much that it'll be detrimental to people completely new to GW. (it was too fast in factions, IMHO)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by luauelveneno
buy factions now you still have 30 days before nightfall is released. leveling a new char in factions will take u a few hours finishing the game a few days (if u rush it) then get nightfall when its released double joy for you!!
Thats what I would do if I were you.

Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
From a skill standpoint, I'd say you can easily skip Factions and get away with it. Most builds I run are Propehecies-based still.
With the builds I use, I usually have about half proph skills and half factions....then again I usually come up with my own builds by myself....

But, if you really must chose between one of them, then I would get nightfall just for the fact that it has heros which seem awsome.

Other than that, so far I really can't say nightfall is better. Just because the noob area.....uh...I mean starting area....of nightfall was good doesn't exactly mean the rest of nightfall will be that good....

But if all of nightfall is as good as what we have seen so far, then it will be far superior to both prophecies and factions!

Phoenix Arrows

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

With many other ugly people

We Are All Pretty [ugly]



Factions was...short...and boring. You got to level 20 too fast, the missions were boring, everything was pretty hard, more PvP-ish.

If you like PvP, Factions.

PvE, Nightfall.

Electric Sky

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by Thomas.knbk
what he said
Im a She ! lol



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2006

In playing the PvP and PvE events for Nightfall and having Factions, I would agree with others that it depends on what you want. Overall, w/ PvE, visual (which look great in Nightfall by the way), and storyline, I would have to go with Nightfall.

That being said, Nightfall's preview quests also had high XP rewards, promoting chars quickly, so I'm hopeful this was just for the preview event. I would rather have an XP system based on Prophecies (where lvl 20's meant something!). If you are looking for PvP or GvG, I would say its a toss up. But overall, Nightfall is my choice.

Good luck.

Also, by the time Nightfall is released, you might find some cheap Factions copies, so you might be able to grab both at a good price.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006

Near Seattle, WA

Talionis De Cineris [EXUR]


Originally Posted by luauelveneno
buy factions now you still have 30 days before nightfall is released. leveling a new char in factions will take u a few hours finishing the game a few days (if u rush it) then get nightfall when its released double joy for you!!
This is the approach I'd suggest.

Personally, I had more fun in Factions than in Prophecies (I'm a PvE only player at this point and I pretty much live in Cantha these days) but Nightfall looks like it's got the balance right. Not so slow of leveling that your house doesn't get cleaned and you keep ordering pizza (instead of cooking) because it's slow and you just have to get through another mission to get through the game by the time the next one comes out, but not so fast that... eh... well okay I loved Factions fast leveling. But a lot of people didn't.

It seems that Nightfall is shaping up to be a well rounded game. ANet's seemed to have taken the important feedback seriously, and if the preview is any indication, Nightfall will address a number of issues, and looks simply stunning anyway.

If you can get Factions soon, I think it's worth it because you can get through it before Nightfall comes out (because there's two ways to go through the game which shortens it up a little!), then there's all the armor/item options, two new classes, upgraded storage... for me, the list goes on and on.

(and Eli is quite cool looking in her pink Kurzick 15k I might add!)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005




I would go with Nightfall if I had to choose between the two, even tho all we've had so far for NF is the preview. Factions was (and is) that bad.

If Factions was the first GW release, I really think the franchise would've ended after the first game. Anet was lucky that most of its players were hooked after Prophecies.

1) The explorable surface of Cantha is incredibly puny. Most of large seeming map is actually empty space and unexplorable.

2) Massive terrain bugs. A lot of these have been fixed, but some still remain. With a new chapter coming out, and the Factions team presumably hard at work at their next release, I doubt if the remaining terrain glitches will ever be addressed. Anyone else remember the large invisible barriers in the Raisu Palace mish?

3) Boring, repetitive missions, offering no real strategic challenges.

4) No unique bonus missions with the exception of Eternal Grove and Gyala Hatchery. Just scanty content in general.

5) Silly, illogical storyline finishing with the ultimate anti-climax: the last mission to kill Shiro is actually the easiest mission in the game, literally doable in 2 minutes.

6) No skill rewards for doing quests, in essence giving players no reason to do quests at all.

Plus, I know this problem has mostly been fixed, but it still leaves a foul taste in my mouth. After release, henchmen got stuck behind NPCs and other objects literally every time you tried to transverse a Kaineng City region map. Not sometimes, but really 100% of the time.

It's still amazing to me that Anet could've justified rushing out a game with so many known bugs ang glitches. The whole product had a rushed and crappy feeling.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

If you like GW, you must buy both.