Ok Got a huge Bone to pick now!!

One Swordsman
1. I think henchmen were deisgned with the purpose of filling in roles in team, and not for forming an entire party.
2. You're basically saying you want the last few missions in the game to be easy, and henchable - it ain't gonna happen - find yourself a decent guild and run the missions with them (you may need to change your attitude a bit).
3. Tyria/Prophecies is bound to be dead now, there is almost no reason to go there now as everyone is finsihed there except maybe for farming or skills.
And finally, learn to calm down, and use paragraphs, it makes things easier to read...
2. You're basically saying you want the last few missions in the game to be easy, and henchable - it ain't gonna happen - find yourself a decent guild and run the missions with them (you may need to change your attitude a bit).
3. Tyria/Prophecies is bound to be dead now, there is almost no reason to go there now as everyone is finsihed there except maybe for farming or skills.
And finally, learn to calm down, and use paragraphs, it makes things easier to read...
Pessimistic Daydream
Eh, I henched the last few mission and bonuses on most of my chars after I had played them through once with people on one of my chars.. less annoyance when an ele suddenly throws out firestorm or when you're fighting mursaat and the necro suddenly raises a minion [Yeah.. like THAT'S infused].... But it is possible, and actually not all that difficult to do with any char in the game. (Then again.. anyone who's played with me knows I tend to opt for hench over actual people because I've played with so many idiots
) The only one which you should MAYBE have some difficulty doing it with is warrior, I can see how that would be hard.
Most guilds don't require you to have a certain ammount of play time either by the way.. most decent ones that I've been in req 3 simple things. A level 20 char, a good attitude, and that you play once every two weeks. And actually most guilds, all you have to do is say "Hey guys, I'm stuck at blah blah mission because there's not enough people here to form a group, anyone feel like helping me out?" And you'll typically get at least 1 response.
And yes... I agree with Swordsman.. Paragraphs are quite nice.

Most guilds don't require you to have a certain ammount of play time either by the way.. most decent ones that I've been in req 3 simple things. A level 20 char, a good attitude, and that you play once every two weeks. And actually most guilds, all you have to do is say "Hey guys, I'm stuck at blah blah mission because there's not enough people here to form a group, anyone feel like helping me out?" And you'll typically get at least 1 response.
And yes... I agree with Swordsman.. Paragraphs are quite nice.
Almost every mission is henchable in prophecies (with exception of Dragon's Lair cause its BUGGY with hench).
The game needs to be HARDER
The game needs to be HARDER
Everything is henchable. Improve your own gameplay, and win.
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
Everything is henchable. Improve your own gameplay, and win.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Almost every mission is henchable in prophecies (with exception of Dragon's Lair cause its BUGGY with hench).
Originally Posted by Yanman.be
Everything is henchable. Improve your own gameplay, and win.
If you want to play with henchies you have to adapt your playing to henchies. Reading the notes in the wiki henchmen article is a great place to start if you're having problems while using them.
Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Almost every mission is henchable in prophecies (with exception of Dragon's Lair cause its BUGGY with hench).
The game needs to be HARDER /unsigned |
Pretty much everything is henchable, I've done all 3 of the Fire Islands with different professions and also Dragons Lair bonus. Knowing what to do is the hard part though, if you've never been through them then that is challenging enough.
Guilds FTW. Problems solved.
In WPG we always have new characters moving through both games and we have a group looking to form up a consistent "role playing team" that will move through the Prophecies story together. Tyria is far from "dead".
Guilds FTW. Problems solved.
In WPG we always have new characters moving through both games and we have a group looking to form up a consistent "role playing team" that will move through the Prophecies story together. Tyria is far from "dead".
Aki Soyokaze
Everything is henchable in Prophecies. If you're finding it too hard to finish the mission then slow down and/or rethink your build.
Everything is henchable in Prophecies. If you're finding it too hard to finish the mission then slow down and/or rethink your build.
Anyway, the ring of fire missions are extremely difficult, that's why many people throw in the towel and give up. Also I did hench every single mission although it is tougher to beat with such stupid bots.
Also, when you step into some searing hot thing that sets you on fire, you're not going to be walking properly for a while, that's why the lava pits cripple.. AAH!!! But anyway the game would be too easy if you can run accross lava just like that.
Also I say that you should never join anal guilds, they don't do crap. Anyway guild wars is more fun when you get people to play with you instead of henchwaying things. =/
Anyway, the ring of fire missions are extremely difficult, that's why many people throw in the towel and give up. Also I did hench every single mission although it is tougher to beat with such stupid bots.
Also, when you step into some searing hot thing that sets you on fire, you're not going to be walking properly for a while, that's why the lava pits cripple.. AAH!!! But anyway the game would be too easy if you can run accross lava just like that.
Also I say that you should never join anal guilds, they don't do crap. Anyway guild wars is more fun when you get people to play with you instead of henchwaying things. =/
i always end up losing 3-4 henchmen in dragons lair to the whole "they walk off into space" bug thats why i pointed it out >.>
The truth itself
"Almost every mission is henchable in prophecies (with exception of Dragon's Lair cause its BUGGY with hench).
The game needs to be HARDER
I find the exact opposite to be true, in fact, i never played that mission with humans.. Now that's a bit sad.
The game needs to be HARDER
I find the exact opposite to be true, in fact, i never played that mission with humans.. Now that's a bit sad.
i henchie all 3 ring of fire missions with bonus.. wanna pay me 50k to beat each one for you with cynn

Algeron Zolo
I agree, the Ring of Fire missions are very hard. and VEEERRRRRRYYYY time consuming (1.5 - 2 hours min.). But there also very do able. I am W/Mo, possibly the most despised profession combo in the game. AND I HAVE DONE ALL 3 MISSIONS, HAVE 2/3 BONUSES, AND USED ONLY PUGS :O !!! Now try and tell me that you cant do those missions. (Btw, my post picture was taking while in one of those lava pits

Kai Nui
I henched all missions and bonuses from Thunder Head Keep onward. People just suck. Only thing you'll really have trouble with are Glint's quests afterwards no doubt. Those are definitely NOT henchable.
Only 5 people ? I goto the RoF mission and theres like 15-20...
Wait, I'm confused. Are you complaining that you are bad at the game?
1) It can henched
2) Maybe you should become the 6th Person not good enough to finish the game
3) These are the last levels in the game, maybe thats why they are hard?
2) Maybe you should become the 6th Person not good enough to finish the game
3) These are the last levels in the game, maybe thats why they are hard?
I know that I just hench the first part of RoF for caps anymore, and that's all the further I go...I do recommend finding a good guild. It can be tough sometimes, but if you do manage to find that guild that you just click into, it enhances the game experience dramatically.
On a side note about henchies in Dragon's Lair, I henched that with my Mesmer. I started the bonus, then decided half way through that it was going to be too hard...but the henchies wouldn't die. XD
Anyway, I can understand your frustration, Ashiem666. I wish you luck in your endeavors.
On a side note about henchies in Dragon's Lair, I henched that with my Mesmer. I started the bonus, then decided half way through that it was going to be too hard...but the henchies wouldn't die. XD
Anyway, I can understand your frustration, Ashiem666. I wish you luck in your endeavors.
i got all tyrian missions and bonuses henched.
i got all tyrian missions and bonuses henched.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
The game needs to be HARDER

One, you should play at a different time of day, if theres only about 5 or 6 people in there when you're on, trying logging in somewhere between 4pm-8pm EST for instance. That might help.
Two, How many guilds actually take people based on game hours? I've never heard of that. Keep pestering your guild to help you, or find a new guild that will.
Three, you can hench the ring of fire, you just need patience to learn how the hench will best survive in high level areas. I did the bonus with hench not too long ago, hells precipice is easier than abbadons with hench, i think.
Two, How many guilds actually take people based on game hours? I've never heard of that. Keep pestering your guild to help you, or find a new guild that will.
Three, you can hench the ring of fire, you just need patience to learn how the hench will best survive in high level areas. I did the bonus with hench not too long ago, hells precipice is easier than abbadons with hench, i think.
I think the point is with more chapters coming out the older ones will become more and more empty.. which has been talked to death. The way I look at it, is play it while it's fairly new or deal with the lack of people. IMO its like a game I moved on from that is still there for me to play if I want. I don't think A.Net needs to do anything with the older chapters.. they want people to stay up with them and that's fine. That's my opinion anyway and i'm stickin to it...
If you got the fire islands as a curses necro, you should have no trouble at all completing those three with just hench. Seriously. Those missions are not that hard. You've got, or should have by now, some of the most powerful PvE spells in the game.
Learn hench control.
Learn how to call targets.
Learn how to fine tune your build.
Learn hench control.
Learn how to call targets.
Learn how to fine tune your build.
Minus Sign
Originally Posted by EndoftheSyringe
Wait, I'm confused. Are you complaining that you are bad at the game?
@OP: Sorry you're having trouble. Its fairly clear this will be your first time through GWP. Rest assured, the missions can be henched. Bring a longbow for pulling and learn to sidestep (rapidly press A and D). Sidstepping and kiting keeps henchmen from charging into one mob only to agro another. Consider tweeking your build as well; curse necro is easily one of the most powerful builds in GWP PvE.
Find room for a self heal; do the 2 +15 attribute quests if you haven't yet.
Green farm a little to fill out your character's weapons.
Ring of Fire and the other 2 island missions are the end of the game. they're hard and long--not to make you angry--to provide you a worthy challenge. Look on them as such and one day, when you see another thread like this, you can say to the OP: I did it, so can you!
Gl and hope this helps.
Originally Posted by lyra_song
Almost every mission is henchable in prophecies (with exception of Dragon's Lair cause its BUGGY with hench).
Thunderhead was a bit tough, henciablem but did it with a guild PUG.
I had the same problem with ROF, yet it is henchiable, and I was on a monk.
I had the same problem with ROF, yet it is henchiable, and I was on a monk.
Bane of Worlds
Horseman Of War
ive found the ring of fire missions to be much easier than southern shiverpeaks...
Only ever beat the original game with my mesmer tho... theyre all really easy as a mesmer.
Hey btw, you arent running a fire mage there, ARE you? Itll be easier if you can use ice magic (which is why rangers will often bring winter if the ele isnt compliant)
Only ever beat the original game with my mesmer tho... theyre all really easy as a mesmer.
Hey btw, you arent running a fire mage there, ARE you? Itll be easier if you can use ice magic (which is why rangers will often bring winter if the ele isnt compliant)
Every mission & bonus can be done with henchies, just see what you'll be facing. In some missions, usually the 'hard ones', the difference between success and failure will depend on just which henchies you'll take.
As for the ROF isles, I've played this from day one and it's always been a lonely place compared to other areas. I've found that the reason why there's so muc frustration in those missions is lack of communication in the team. There's more than one way of completing them, and when it comes time to make a choice between which way to go, the team splits out of confusion, someone will get mad and call the others noobs, and someone will leave cause the 'wrong' group was aggroed. So making sure tha all are on the same page helps.
(little comment about above post regarding winter, in my opinion, its not so much that water is better and the winter is for noncompliance, but the dmg-ecost-area affect are much better with a pyro+winter combo)
As for the ROF isles, I've played this from day one and it's always been a lonely place compared to other areas. I've found that the reason why there's so muc frustration in those missions is lack of communication in the team. There's more than one way of completing them, and when it comes time to make a choice between which way to go, the team splits out of confusion, someone will get mad and call the others noobs, and someone will leave cause the 'wrong' group was aggroed. So making sure tha all are on the same page helps.
(little comment about above post regarding winter, in my opinion, its not so much that water is better and the winter is for noncompliance, but the dmg-ecost-area affect are much better with a pyro+winter combo)
Buy Nightfall, I'm betting that the heros will transport back to Tyria with you. My reason for saying this is that the hench controls were available in Factions/Prophy missions, including the 1,2,3 options, also the interface for hero addition seems to be inclined to transporting them anywhere along with you. If nothing else when Nightfall comes out you'll be able to tell your henchies to stand still while you aggro things over pits of fire and rush back to them.
use paragraphs!
Those missions are henchable, I do them quite often to cap skills and hoping to get a mursaat item here and there.
What class are you? Remember to chose the henchies that suit what you are going to attempt. In some places the mesmer henchie is terrible use and in others the ranger henchie is.
There is such a thing as henchie control as well. Calling targets, spamming "im targeting myself" and running in the opposite direction if they aggro too much. There are parts in the mission (like the place with 3 towers) that henchies just cant handle, but if you go the long way around, or do it slow, its possible. If someone henched THK without any skills on their bar you can hench RoF with skills
Find a guild that suits what you want to play. The one I am currently in is very much pve oriented. Its huge too. I always see people LFG or asking for help etc. I mostly pvp now though. Good luck!
What class are you? Remember to chose the henchies that suit what you are going to attempt. In some places the mesmer henchie is terrible use and in others the ranger henchie is.
There is such a thing as henchie control as well. Calling targets, spamming "im targeting myself" and running in the opposite direction if they aggro too much. There are parts in the mission (like the place with 3 towers) that henchies just cant handle, but if you go the long way around, or do it slow, its possible. If someone henched THK without any skills on their bar you can hench RoF with skills

Find a guild that suits what you want to play. The one I am currently in is very much pve oriented. Its huge too. I always see people LFG or asking for help etc. I mostly pvp now though. Good luck!
hench every bonus my foot, take that back to Dunes of Dispair and Dragons Lair. Beside that, not everyone is a monk, and unless your using a support character, henchmen drop like flies.
It would be nice if they applied Hero characters for previous chapters, and the new control system will help alot too if they implement that, but whether or not the game is henchable doesn't mean it is acceptable, appropriate rewarding for effort spent on missions is something that should be added reguardless, that way people can enjoy missions as a source of income or some other currency to compensate them, henchmen are an alternative, not a standard, the game would suck without cooperative and competative play, it isn't a console game.
It would be nice if they applied Hero characters for previous chapters, and the new control system will help alot too if they implement that, but whether or not the game is henchable doesn't mean it is acceptable, appropriate rewarding for effort spent on missions is something that should be added reguardless, that way people can enjoy missions as a source of income or some other currency to compensate them, henchmen are an alternative, not a standard, the game would suck without cooperative and competative play, it isn't a console game.
How come everyone seems to blame the player for the henchies sucking?
Whenever I try to do the first mission in Fire Islands with any class, the henchies die on the first group I agro, no matter what I do. And I'm always the last person to be alive, and since its the first group at the very beggining, there is no where to run to. It just doesn't seem possible that the henchies can live for more than 30 seconds there.
Oh, and I do know how to ping on myself and ping the target I want them to kill. The problem isn't agro or anything, but getting the henchies to survive long enough to kill the enemies.
I really hope heros are at least semi-competent compared to henchies....
Oh, and in case someone suggests it, I'm not gonna leave my friends guild just to do two missions or three missions.
Whenever I try to do the first mission in Fire Islands with any class, the henchies die on the first group I agro, no matter what I do. And I'm always the last person to be alive, and since its the first group at the very beggining, there is no where to run to. It just doesn't seem possible that the henchies can live for more than 30 seconds there.
Oh, and I do know how to ping on myself and ping the target I want them to kill. The problem isn't agro or anything, but getting the henchies to survive long enough to kill the enemies.
I really hope heros are at least semi-competent compared to henchies....
Oh, and in case someone suggests it, I'm not gonna leave my friends guild just to do two missions or three missions.
Originally Posted by gamecube187
Whenever I try to do the first mission in Fire Islands with any class, the henchies die on the first group I agro, no matter what I do. And I'm always the last person to be alive, and since its the first group at the very beggining, there is no where to run to. It just doesn't seem possible that the henchies can live for more than 30 seconds there.
Originally Posted by BahamutKaiser
hench every bonus my foot, take that back to Dunes of Dispair and Dragons Lair. Beside that, not everyone is a monk, and unless your using a support character, henchmen drop like flies.
ummm...the OP's problem is that he probably sucks at GW. There's nothing wrong with that. Heck, I definitely suck at it. I had to run to Bloodstone Fen because I couldn't beat the missions!! *lol* I ran to Sanctum Cay just yesterday. I have a bunch of bonuses to do and like 6 missions that I haven't completed for a variety of reasons. Mostly that I suck.
The Wilds is pretty easy as far as enemies go I just get lost and spend two hours running in circles before giving up. I shouldn't let those White Mantle dudes die every time. *shrug* The difficulty of GW is what keeps it interesting. Also, henching everything doesn't make everything impossible. Harder but not impossible. I've henched every mission and have been ok so far. I wish I didn't have to hench but my connection suxxors and theres nothing I can do about that right now.

I've finished RoF mission with henchies and other two with PuGs. However I agree that few mission areas in Tyria are deserted (fire islands, aurora glade etc). Allowing us to bring nightfall heroes back to previous chapters would solve this problem. Btw, Dragon's Lair is VERY henchable. I've finished it with bonus using henchies in my first try. Glint is much much easier to kill with henchies than
with PuG.
with PuG.