Paragon Headgear
We already have horrid elementalist headgear. Please, PLEASE don't ruin something as cool as the Paragon with that crap! Something more suitable for the Paragon would be a roman style Centurion Helmet. I'll DESIGN the stupid things if needed! Just ugh, it would match perfectly and those ele lookalike headgears are a huge disappointment.
I happen to like the Elementalist's head gear. However, I do agree, a certain kind of helmet would look nice/better for the Paragon. A battle commander needs protection, not jewelry.
The Paragon headwear is rubbish, i complained during the PvP preview that it didnt responde to dye and had the possibility to. Now they took out dying options (atleast in creation) and it looks even worse!
I'm not sure if the roman headgear is the way to go, but atleast it's an improvement on the current headwear option.
I'm not sure if the roman headgear is the way to go, but atleast it's an improvement on the current headwear option.
If I'm not mistaken, some of the Paragon NPC's had helmets, so maybe we'll have the option with other armors. Here's for hoping!
monkey grip
i totally agree, the whole jewel in the forehead thing is stupid as all hell
Bane of Worlds
the headgear for the paragon doesn't make since a commander IRL would be laughed at for wearing something like that in a battle field but there were some paragon NPCs that had helms so the jewel might not be the only choice but I'm just being hopeful...
/signed for the change in appeareance for paragon headgear
/signed for the change in appeareance for paragon headgear
I think a Helm would be great. Anet? Yes? No?
Gail, any chance of this?
Gail, any chance of this?
Knight Othin Of War
/signed, jewel thingys look stupid.
Better armour would also be a +
Better armour would also be a +
Daemon Dremora
well the paragon is supposed to have an angelic appearance, so maybe something like the helm in the op but instead of the furry mohawk they could have like two angelic wings on them. one on either side. well just a thought. but yeah that jewelry crap is not so good.

Agree. Winged helmet Asterix-style would be much better than the jewel thing they have right now.
Dougal Kronik
Make it fit the entire concept of the Paragon's armor.
Make it fit the entire concept of the Paragon's armor.
/No, leave it as it is or leave it Anet's hands.
it totally doesnt fit the purpose of a paragon... how would you think about some guy shouting and throwing spears, wearing some jewels on his head :S
it totally doesnt fit the purpose of a paragon... how would you think about some guy shouting and throwing spears, wearing some jewels on his head :S
it totally doesnt fit the purpose of a paragon... how would you think about some guy shouting and throwing spears, wearing some jewels on his head :S
it totally doesnt fit the purpose of a paragon... how would you think about some guy shouting and throwing spears, wearing some jewels on his head :S
This would look 100x better on a Paragon. Just slap it up with ivory and gold trim and tada perfect for the Paragon.
only about 9,990 more /signs -.- LOL
prodigy ming
the paragon npc has some really nice helmets, maybe they could let players use those instead.
Even though I never played the Paragon, I dont' want gay looking peopel running around
Originally Posted by prodigy ming
the paragon npc has some really nice helmets, maybe they could let players use those instead.
doesnt go with the angelic look
doesnt go with the angelic look
Originally Posted by MMSDome
doesnt go with the angelic look |

This hood/crown is especialy perfect for Paragons

I agree! The paragon npc had nice helms.. so the design is there and I really wish they'd add them for our characters. I also very much do not like the jewel/ele rip off.
Poison Ivy
As long as it's not too...heavy, like Warrior helms.
i still would take a halo and wings
Originally Posted by MMSDome
doesnt go with the angelic look |
/not signed
I like the way they are now.
I like the way they are now.
Maybe Anet is playing around with our mind and make those cool looking helm 15k+crafting mat.
Maybe Anet is playing around with our mind and make those cool looking helm 15k+crafting mat.
Originally Posted by natuxatu
I agree! The paragon npc had nice helms.. so the design is there and I really wish they'd add them for our characters. I also very much do not like the jewel/ele rip off.
/signed |
...well, I'd kill lots and lots of monsters. Either way, the Paragon struck me as a relatively low-magic profession, so is a bauble that looks like it could be floating by magic really appropriate?
I dont want annouther character where i have to set it to hide the silly headgear. I like seeing the full outfit.
I dont want annouther character where i have to set it to hide the silly headgear. I like seeing the full outfit.
/signed jewls are boring imo
If the Paragon must have jewels put it on a helm. Those Helms the NPC’s had were very nice how about those as options?
If the Paragon must have jewels put it on a helm. Those Helms the NPC’s had were very nice how about those as options?
For both my paragons during both events I had the stupid thing on hide for the whole time, If it has to be animated and floaty....MAKE IT A HALO or something....
For both my paragons during both events I had the stupid thing on hide for the whole time, If it has to be animated and floaty....MAKE IT A HALO or something....
Skyy High
Originally Posted by TheBaron82
Maybe Anet is playing around with our mind and make those cool looking helm 15k+crafting mat. |
/signed (no ele wanna be stone)
/notsigned the spartan helm
the circlet from diablo 2 is what I could see them wearing. or something similar to aragorns crown in return of the king (ending). something nice but small.
~the rat with a hat~
/notsigned the spartan helm
the circlet from diablo 2 is what I could see them wearing. or something similar to aragorns crown in return of the king (ending). something nice but small.
~the rat with a hat~
Originally Posted by Dahl
And neither does the steel armor and roman gladiator steel skirts. They're not meant to be ANGELS, they don't mean that literally. They're human beings fighting on the side of light.
Mr Jazzy
/sign x 1 million
here's hoping the petition passes
here's hoping the petition passes
Curse You
I find think if I were to see a guy come running up to me with a big checker board-type thing floating in front of his forehead, I would just laugh, even if he started poking me with his spear.
The Paragon is kind of the "new warrior" and so it would kind of make sense to make them the second profession to have a helm after the warrior (none of the others do).
The Paragon is kind of the "new warrior" and so it would kind of make sense to make them the second profession to have a helm after the warrior (none of the others do).
Originally Posted by legion_rat
/signed (no ele wanna be stone)
/notsigned the spartan helm |
I don't see a big clunky helm, but something like the Sunspear Leader in the first mission had would own.