This is a PvE battery Paragon build.
12+2..4 Motivation
9+1 Leadership
9+1 Spear Mastery
Lyric of Zeal
Signet of Aggression
Energizing Chorus
Ballad of Restoration
Aria of Zeal
Zealous Anthem
"The Power Is Yours!"
Signet of Return
- +15% damage, -5 energy Furious Spear of Defense or Furious Spear of Fortitude.
- +30 health, 20% -5 physical damage Motivation shield.
- Any armor set except Templar's Armor, since you only really need a maximum energy of around 20 and any extra energy is wasted by "The Power Is Yours!".
- Lyric of Zeal, Signet of Aggression and Energizing Chorus are for pesonal adrenaline and energy management, although Lyric of Zeal and Energizing Chorus also aid allies.
- Ballad of Restoration is to heal allies.
- Aria of Zeal, Zealous Anthem and "The Power Is Yours!" are to provide energy to allies.
- Signet of Return serves as a resurrection skill.
- Remember to say within earshot of allies in order to maximize the effectiveness of chants and shouts and get the full benefit of Leadership.
- The skills (except for the res) are used in order (although Ballad of Restoration, Aria of Zeal and Zealous Anthem are interchangeable), from left to right, along the skill bar as soon as the energy degeneration stops. Signet of Aggression is also used immediately after "The Power Is Yours!". During degeneration the most convenient target is attacked to regain adrenaline.
Too bad it's probably going to get heavily nerfed in a month.
Battery Paragon
Gordon Ecker
Overkill IMO for PvE , No team needs this kind of energy regain
But interesting for pvp, i can see this fueling All /Mo Spikes
But interesting for pvp, i can see this fueling All /Mo Spikes
Drop Signet of Aggression, its only good for keeping adrenalin up in between fights, or when you cant hit with a spear. Its .75 second aftercast makes it 5/9ths of a second slower then a spear attack.
Originally Posted by ubermancer
Drop Signet of Aggression, its only good for keeping adrenalin up in between fights, or when you cant hit with a spear. Its .75 second aftercast makes it 5/9ths of a second slower then a spear attack.
Yea, they need to kill the aftercast or make it cast instantly or both to make it useful in combat.

Originally Posted by SnipiousMax
Yea, they need to kill the aftercast or make it cast instantly or both to make it useful in combat.
True, but now at least you can charge up Final Thrust before you ever enter battle :O I do think it needs a buff though. 1/4 cast, 8 recharge? The aftercast would prevent people from using it to build up adrenalin while trying to put pressure on, but allows you to charge fairly well.

Gordon Ecker
The main purpose of Signet of Aggression is to gain energy from Lyric of Zeal. Any signet with a recharge time under 20 seconds could be substituted. The build does look like overkill for most areas though. Lyric of Zeal, Signet of Aggression and Zealous Anthem could be replaced with "Watch Yourself!" and two other adrenal skills or 5 energy chants or shouts. If you're going to drop "The Power Is Yours!" then you're probably better off just adding Aria of Zeal to another Motivation build.
unholy guardian
really "the power is yours" is not very good, there is another energy... song of power is pretty good too, expensive though. It just seemed "the powr is yours" causes too many bad things for what it does.