After a long recess, the infamous smiter says. . .
A few strips concerning recent NF 'fun' are in the works. Speaking of art in general, I've noticed a larger influx of serious artists hitting the GW woodwork. Although that doesn't fare well for casual-ol'-me, it's good to see impressive fanart hitting the sites.
If the character sketch confuses you, reference the old Twinkiemonk strips in the activities section. It. . . Barely explains anything.
The Twinkiemonk returns, sorta'.
Blind Rage
My head did that once. It's ok though, they have a cream for it....
Anyway, can't wait for the new twinkies! Keep up the good work Sinborn.
Anyway, can't wait for the new twinkies! Keep up the good work Sinborn.
Lol, I just read you other strips... really really good funny and cute stuff
Infact I actually decided to make a smiting monk because of you....... lol I'm serious
Can't wait to see/read more of your work
Infact I actually decided to make a smiting monk because of you....... lol I'm serious
Can't wait to see/read more of your work
I'm glad I inspired a smiter-to-be. Just remember, ostracism is common. . . Heck, people place you on the same level that Deadly Arts-sins linger on.
I can't wait to see my new stuff either. It'll make me feel more 'out of the paper bag.'
I can't wait to see my new stuff either. It'll make me feel more 'out of the paper bag.'