why sins?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Kronos HQ


my question is simple
why does ppl try to get survivor with assassins
oh and dont reply "sins are uber duh"
real comments plz



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2006

sh*tvill england



because a sin has like 60 armor and thay rush into the middle of combat, its harder for a monk to keep them alive. so it shows the other ppl that there not n00bs and that thay can do stuff as well as getting surviver with the hardest possible character to do it with

Damaris Arcadian

Damaris Arcadian

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


Keepers of the Stars


I agree with Olly. It's hard to find a "smart" assasin in game. Most of em run in and are usualy the first ones to die. Haveing the survivor title kinda says.. "I'm a Smart assasin!"

exiled mat

exiled mat

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Originally Posted by Damaris Arcadian
I agree with Olly. It's hard to find a "smart" assasin in game. Most of em run in and are usualy the first ones to die. Haveing the survivor title kinda says.. "I'm a Smart assasin!"

or: i have good helping friends who have powerleveled me and will get you if you don't like me

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by visitor
my question is simple
why does ppl try to get survivor with assassins
oh and dont reply "sins are uber duh"
real comments plz

Why not? An assassin has as good a chance of surviving in
a battle as any other character. With their shadow skills and
proper selection of a secondary assassins are very good.

I know that at first glance it might seem like say .... a wo/mo
has a much better chance of getting that title. But when you
concider that a wo/mo takes three to four times as long to
make a kill, they can make a battle drag on well past the point
where the groups casters and healers can continue to be

I generally feel like any battle that takes more than 60 seconds
to complete (PvE of course) to be a failure, wo/mos are
notorious for exceeding that time limit. A good offence is still
the best defence.

Sorry... just noticed that you're a wo/mo... no offence intended.

Hey, that's kind of a little joke.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

Cause they want to?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by Damaris Arcadian
I agree with Olly. It's hard to find a "smart" assasin in game. Most of em run in and are usualy the first ones to die. Haveing the survivor title kinda says.. "I'm a Smart assasin!"
I don't think so, Smart? yes, maybe he know when to abandun his fellow teammate, maybe he is smart enough to just pay someone to power level him. but not really that he can kill much ( I don't mean survival title can't kill), not really he is willing to fight to the last minute (which in many case is the only way to win when situation gone bad).
I rather trust a people with exploration or protector title. at lease they will know where to go or how the mission works



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


Titles are merely an indicator of the person behind the toon at best, but its all you got to go on. If one's entire point is to get survivor on an assassin JUST to get into groups, why not just make a friggin monk and be done with it?
People do it for the challenge and for the bragging rights... but become disenchanted once they die before survivor 2 and also once they discover that nobody else will ever care. Leaving only the challenge.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Originally Posted by visitor
my question is simple
why does ppl try to get survivor with assassins
oh and dont reply "sins are uber duh"
real comments plz
What a crass, inane and poorly grammaticized question. It's called freedom of choice, if someone want's to get the 'Survivor' title with an Assassin then it's up to them and nobody else.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


Originally Posted by Azagoth
What an crass, inane and poorly grammaticized question. It's called freedom of choice, if someone want's to get the 'Survivor' title with an Assassin then it's up to them an nobody else.
while your base thesis is sound, not only are you pointlessly rude but you mispelled your and by leaving off the d



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Yeah, that's down to too many FPS games on this notebook. The W, S, A and D keys are slightly dodgy (see knackered) and need to be hit quite hard to register the keystroke.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

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Natural Born Killaz

Hmmm.... "Why do people try to get survivor with Assassins?"

Why do people try to get in PvE PUG groups as Mesmers?

Why do Necros try playing builds other than MM or Orders?

WHY NOT? If I were one to enjoy playing an Assassin, then I'd probably want to get a title or two under my belt with that character. Going for the Survivor title as an Asssassin is quite the challenge - when done without the crutch of power leveling.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

stupid double post.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



I admit that an Assassin earning a survivor title may look impressive, but I imagine he/she would have screwed over many groups by leaving or running off when things weren't going well with the mission/quest. The only way that didn't happen is if he got power leveled as mentioned previously.

Are there any viable farming builds for assassins? Can an A/Mo simply use his secondary and farm as a monk? I suppose he could have simply farmed his way to a survivor title.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2006

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Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
Are there any viable farming builds for assassins? Can an A/Mo simply use his secondary and farm as a monk? I suppose he could have simply farmed his way to a survivor title.
Actually, there's a VERY good green farming A/E build involving shadow form and one of the ele armor skills but I'm not exactly sure on it. But I know it works really well.

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
I admit that an Assassin earning a survivor title may look impressive, but I imagine he/she would have screwed over many groups by leaving or running off when things weren't going well with the mission/quest. The only way that didn't happen is if he got power leveled as mentioned previously.

Are there any viable farming builds for assassins? Can an A/Mo simply use his secondary and farm as a monk? I suppose he could have simply farmed his way to a survivor title.

You are so narrow minded that it's a safe bet that when you want
to see whats going on in the other room, you just slide your head
up under the door rather than open it.

Assassins are just as good as any other character in the game.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

New Zealand

Retired :)

I think that its more the fact that many people have played the 6 core professions and have no intention of playing them again (as in starting over) and since titles were introduced after probably almost all these characters had died so only the newly created ones have a chance of getting it.

Therefore sins and rts are probably more likely to have the titles, also most core professions probably have better titles to show.

Trvth Jvstice

Trvth Jvstice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006



Originally Posted by Hephaestus Ram
You are so narrow minded that it's a safe bet that when you want
to see whats going on in the other room, you just slide your head
up under the door rather than open it.

Assassins are just as good as any other character in the game.
Nooooooooo -I play an Assassin and I love assassins. I was talking about ANY character attempting a survivor title. The way I see it, when someone is after a survivor title, he can NOT die. Even if the group he is playing with is suffering major dmg and really needs everyone attacking, the person going after the title can't risk going in and helping the group because he might die.

I know that when a good Assassin is in a group, he doesn't try to tank or act like a warrior, he zips in and does enormous dmg to his target , then zips out before he takes a lot of dmg.

I apologize if it seemed like I was anti-Assassin. As I said, I love Assassins.

Cicada Sopita

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006


At least the first title can easily be gained with just doing quests - no farming needed. Also, since the pve can most of the time be easier with henchies than PUGs, I think that many who are trying to get the survivor wont bother with grouping with other people - and therefore don't mess up anyone else's missions but their own... That's what I did, at least.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
I admit that an Assassin earning a survivor title may look impressive, but I imagine he/she would have screwed over many groups by leaving or running off when things weren't going well with the mission/quest. The only way that didn't happen is if he got power leveled as mentioned previously.

Are there any viable farming builds for assassins? Can an A/Mo simply use his secondary and farm as a monk? I suppose he could have simply farmed his way to a survivor title.
By just henching and doing area quests you can get Survivor title before the 3rd Mission, and not screw anyone. Solo and kill bugs outside of the Montesary till level 6 (do not accept any rewards till you reach Level 6) then start doing quests. Do all of them on the Island. Do Mission 1. After you finish the Quest which makes you fight an afflicted Assassin Boss (right before going to Mission 2) whoever survives this quest follows your group. So make use of them and go do the Missing son quest and all other quests for the Lagoon area. Now do Mission 2. Watch out for the Dual Necro spikers by the bridge on Mission 2, but to it play safe always have Healing breeze going/ Protective Spirit. (I actually skipped the 2nd attribute quest) I will go back and do it later. I then do all of the quests I can find outside of the market area. They are large Value Exp Quests and mostly running around. When done run to The Kaineg City and start doing quests till you get the title. Use Scrolls if you can all the time.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


I still can't believe my guildie henched arborstone with her sin and got master's, its not a difficult mission, but I cant hench it for master's with 6 different characters lol.

Plushie Penguin

Plushie Penguin

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Originally Posted by olly123
because a sin has like 60 armor and thay rush into the middle of combat, its harder for a monk to keep them alive. so it shows the other ppl that there not n00bs and that thay can do stuff as well as getting surviver with the hardest possible character to do it with
their max is 70

since it's not really good enough for a mele class, assassins generally can't take a hit too well[and dervishes may get this problem too]

The Pointless

The Pointless

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I'd just like to say that the Survivor title does not always denote intelligence or skill.
My point? Unwaking Waters, an inexperienced Ranger and a Prima Donna of a Survivor Monk that can't seem to get it into his thick skull that his "tactics" are not working and assumed those that fail to pull off said tactics are n00bs who can't play and should have stayed at Pre-Searing.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


Well being in a large Alliance with 10 guilds I have saw alot of ppl working on there
Assassin Survivor title talk about almost dieing and bailing out just in time, when
Factions came out I made an Assassin and completed both Kurzick and Luxon sides,
I love my Assassin, and now have my first lvl elite skill hunter title, so from my point
of view if I were assembling the pug, and I thought the peson was working on this title I
would not want the person in the group, chances are the person will bail or maybe
not contribute as much as possible. Actually anyone working on this title I would
not want in the group, that is what Guilds and friends are for.

beta man

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006


no offence, i never take anyone with survivor title into my team in mission or quest, had very bad experience with them. i feel their only good point is their fast reflexes to map out.
And don't expect them to run away and come back to rez u when the team gone bad, they will simply quit......



Wilds Pathfinder

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Gui1d War스 P01ic트 [Pr으]


Originally Posted by Painbringer
By just henching and doing area quests you can get Survivor title before the 3rd Mission, and not screw anyone.
That's exactly how I did it on my ranger.

Crystal Alice

Crystal Alice

Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by olly123
...because a sin has like 60 armor and thay rush into the middle of combat, its harder for a monk to keep them alive...
^i completely agree with this. i used my monk to help a guildie in the Sunjiang District mish and there were 2 sins... both noobs we found out.
it was impossible to keep them alive with the huge groups of enemies one of them pulled in and so i had to let them die or else the team was dead.
so they start yelling at me that i'm a horrible monk for letting them die.
it was very amusing...

my opinion is that sins are good if the PLAYER is smart about using a sin. most people who use sins have no idea what they're doing and so most people will not allow them into their groups.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


Heavenly Shadows [milf]


I so want to comment, but sadly I feel this subject will never be a closed issue. Stereotyping will always be here, and the poor Assasin that knows what he/she is doing will have to put up with Henchies, Heros, and Guildmates, or forever sit in a mission area spamming Sin LFG....




Join Date: Jul 2006




Are there any viable farming builds for assassins? Can an A/Mo simply use his secondary and farm as a monk? I suppose he could have simply farmed his way to a survivor title.

erm... A/E can solo Sunreach.. I have a friend of mine that make quite a lot of dosh with his assassin, geting sometimes 5 sunreach shields a day ..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Kronos HQ


Originally Posted by Crystal Alice

my opinion is that sins are good if the PLAYER is smart about using a sin. most people who use sins have no idea what they're doing and so most people will not allow them into their groups.
then what is a smart sin (no offence i have a sin too just advide m8 =) )




Join Date: Jul 2006




I think sins are good in pvp. But dont see many builds with sins in them.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006


Newbies 'R Us [NRU]


Don't know about Sins in PvP , AB yeah they can get ahead of the pack and deal some conditions and dash out but other then that most sins I see in PVP are sacrifices for the team most of the time....

On the other hand having played through Factions with my first sin and now working on my second (deleted my first ......) It is what actually learned to do most if not all missions with hench because people just don't give sins the light of day. Why well because all thoose wanne be sin-tanks gave it such a bad name the proffession is gone to **** and well I think it is wrong.....

I guess people forget that sins aren't tanks , but they can (if used right) take alot of damage more so then the damn monk or other caster in there.

And if people say Sin's are bad I would liek to bring up some flame bait....the current status of monks....why do they think they are indistructable at the moment ?! I play every proffession and frequent the elites but also help out guildies and friends all over the place and it seems that the monks lately die more then all sin's combined !

Sorry for that but i think the whole sin discussion has become short sighted and more and more based on hear say then actual experience just because most sins don't make it past vizunah anymore ....because noone lets them.

And the one that does make it does it usually either with hench or guildies....