Weapon Building



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006




Is there a thread and or a section on how to effectively build weapons.


Start with white, blue or purple weapon.
Add enchantment A to weapon A = new Weapon B

I have six characters and would like to learn to build or add to weapons that I have. There must be some kind of rule of thumb and or formula to follow.

The builds forum section is so well detailed I was wondering if there is a forum or thread that can help me with weapons.


Knightsaber Sith

Knightsaber Sith

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Aug 2006

Few Fallen Heroes [FFH]


The rule is; start with a good weapon and and upgrades that make it better. It depends on what mods you want your weapon to have; there is no formula. It's not like the rune words in Diablo2



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


It's not that complicated, weapons have 2 mods that can be added, let's use sword, you have a hilt, and a pommel, I usually run adrenaline builds when sword war, so a good hilt to use is furious (Which doubles adrenaline on hit, 10% chance, I wish it was 20%) and pommel is totally up to you, I prefer armor +5, I also like to use a vampiric hilt equipped sword as well.

There are threads somewhere that explain things in detail such as using a +30 health VS a +5 armor pommel.. not sure where the link is at.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006



perfect weapon for yourself as a warrior monk would be start with 15 over 50 max damage weapon of your choice then work from there. For me in my warrior build perfect would be a 15 over 50 furious with +30 health sword. axe would maybe be enchanted as I use axes for farming and hammers I like furious again. Look at the builds your using and build from there.
If your building to sell its a different story as you need to look at skins too. Most of the time building to sell is a waste of money as its a specific market for those skin hunters! If you have a 15 over 50 gold fellblade sell it as it is then offer the seller the penetration/furious/vamp/health mods on top of that!
To be honest with all the greens out there building a weapon is kinda pointless unless you want to show off a pointless skin. Apparently you can choose inherents on the next game too so perhaps waiting for a guide would be better



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005


Kirins of Holy Light


Look at the area/monsters you will be fighting as well as your build. Are you getting hexed by the enemies a lot? A 20% while hexed might be better for you there. Does your build involve throwing hexes or do you partner with someone that does that? 15% vs hexed foes could be just as good then. Do you use stances all the time? Get a 15% in stance weapon. Enchant yourself much? Go for 15% while enchanted. Are they weak against fire/cold? Choose that mod. If you plan on using that weapon for a long time then spend the gold and have it customized to you to get another 20% dmg. You may want to get some vs. specific monsters if you plan on fighting that type a lot.

The point is you can be a bit more effective if you look and plan against the foes you will be facing and not just go for a generic setup.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2006


Warlords of Ruin


To make money > rare skinned 15^50 with whatever the desireable mods are of the day.

for personal use 15^50 modded with whatever you think goes.