am i screwed?
so i recently wanted to cap quivering blade but cant seem to do so!
the damn am fah is allies... i chekd my quests to see if i have the chalise quest but no!
so i went over to hugo to grab the quest.... and still NO! he doesnt even have it!
wtf is going on? can i not cap QB?
the damn am fah is allies... i chekd my quests to see if i have the chalise quest but no!
so i went over to hugo to grab the quest.... and still NO! he doesnt even have it!
wtf is going on? can i not cap QB?
Bob Whills
I would check to see if you can get a quest from Brother Torsai again.
if you havent checked wiki...
if you havent checked wiki...
Former Ruling
Like said, you have to go through the entire quest line to get them unallied.
The first quest where you get brotherhood capes, leads to the second quest to seek out Brother Tosai, then at brother tosai you have to "Refuse to Drink" and they become hostile. choosing to drink will lead you to another quest - but then they'll backstab you and become hostile to you anyway after that so even if you drink from the cup you aren't "Screwed" into them always being allies.
The first quest where you get brotherhood capes, leads to the second quest to seek out Brother Tosai, then at brother tosai you have to "Refuse to Drink" and they become hostile. choosing to drink will lead you to another quest - but then they'll backstab you and become hostile to you anyway after that so even if you drink from the cup you aren't "Screwed" into them always being allies.
Knightsaber Sith
They aren't allied from drinking; I think that's from not drinking.
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
They aren't allied from drinking; I think that's from not drinking.
The quest after refusing to drink is a lot easier than the quest after drinking from the chalice, just to let the original poster know. I suggest not drinking.
Knightsaber Sith
Well I drank on all four of my characters and they were always hostile.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Knightsaber Sith
Well I drank on all four of my characters and they were always hostile.
Like my post said >_>
well as i recall i talk to hanjo to get the quest tto talk to bujo and what not... but emirial gard hungo doenst give me the quest
Did you try just talking to Bujo?
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by lilnate22
well as i recall i talk to hanjo to get the quest tto talk to bujo and what not... but emirial gard hungo doenst give me the quest
You want to go out and talk to Brother Tosai.
Bloodied Blade
You have the quest where you're searching out the Am Fah to join them. Abandon it and you'll be fine.
If you can't find it, abandon all quests that aren't under "Primary Quests" and you should be fine.
If you can't find it, abandon all quests that aren't under "Primary Quests" and you should be fine.
I had the same problem.. I managed to get it. A quick search of quivering game me about 6 similar threads.
From wiki:
Signet of Capture:
Sun, the Quivering (Wajjun Bazaar)
Note: if you're friendly with the Am Fah (by doing the Bujo quests in Kaineng), Sun is not hostile towards you. You must complete all of Bujo's quests to then get A Monstrous Revelation from Imperial Agent Hanjo in Kaineng Center. While doing this quest, Sun will spawn. Everyone in your party must have completed all of Bujo's quests for him to spawn during A Monstrous Revelation. If finished all of these quests be sure to complete Brother Torsai's quests as well so that the Am Fah are not friendly with you.
The chalice quest is from Brother Tosai, go check if he has a quest for you or not. Also make sure everyone in your party is able to get the Monstrous Revelation quest or has completed it. If even one party member has not finished the quests before Monstrous Revelation quest, he won't appear.
Signet of Capture:
Sun, the Quivering (Wajjun Bazaar)
Note: if you're friendly with the Am Fah (by doing the Bujo quests in Kaineng), Sun is not hostile towards you. You must complete all of Bujo's quests to then get A Monstrous Revelation from Imperial Agent Hanjo in Kaineng Center. While doing this quest, Sun will spawn. Everyone in your party must have completed all of Bujo's quests for him to spawn during A Monstrous Revelation. If finished all of these quests be sure to complete Brother Torsai's quests as well so that the Am Fah are not friendly with you.
The chalice quest is from Brother Tosai, go check if he has a quest for you or not. Also make sure everyone in your party is able to get the Monstrous Revelation quest or has completed it. If even one party member has not finished the quests before Monstrous Revelation quest, he won't appear.