Getting to house zu heltzer



Join Date: Sep 2006

Hey guys
probably an easy question for you
I got factions the other day, basically cos i wanted to get kurzich armor on my warrior, anyway ive been playing it.

I got to Altrumm ruins, and the gate there is closed, so i guess i have to carry on doing the primary quests and missions right?
well the primary quest took me to a Luxon mission, which kinda confuses me.

I was wondering if anyone could give me a liste of the things i have to do, After Altrumm ruins, in order to get to house zu heltzer.

Would be cool if somebody could

thanks a lot

Maria stormshield

Maria stormshield

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Check your 6

Independent Order of Cruel Law [iOcL]


1. Do the Luxon mission (Boreas Seabed)
2. Follow the next two primary quests (City under attack and Battle in the sewers)
3. Do the next mission the quest leads you to (sunjiang district)
4. Upon completing the mission, take the quest Journey to House zu Heltzer from Jamei in Maatu Keep.
5. If you followed the direction on the quest, Journey to House zu Heltzer, You should be in house zu heltzer by now.



Join Date: Sep 2006

thanks mate, after i posted this i found a post that explained it all
but i didnt no how to close the post ehhe

thanks a lot