I say we should add in more trivial things to the game, in other words, worthless stuff that's amusing. Beer mainly comes to mind, but there are a few others, and I'd just like to add some things to make Guild Wars seem like a world with other things to do some times. Here are my suggestions:
Angler Title: You simply get a fishing rod from a quest that can be used as any weapon (for sword it hits, for staff it casts the lure back and forth) and while you have it equipped certain NPCs will have quests you couldn't normally get that are fishing-related. All you end up doing is fishing for things, and every month new quests are added and certain old quests are taken away, and every year it will cycle through 12 different fishing things, and if you get them all, whippie you get the Angler Title. Fishing is simply double clicking your lure to cast in designated areas. Some of the year round quests are: The Search Continues, where you start out with your fishing stuff, Fish Sticks where you have to fish through the ice outside droknars, and Fish Tale which you get from Admiral Saidon the Eternal on the coast in FoW who does nothing to catch fish bones and ghost minnows. Anyway just pulling this out my ass hope people like the idea as something to do while still doing stuff in Guild Wars.
Super Protector: Same as protector title except having 2 less than the max amount of players in each mission.
All I can think of at the moment, I'll come up with something that will BLOW your mind later.
Trivial Things
Kai Nui
I like the fishing...
But to make it bit more different, how about instead of fishing rod, you get a Harpoon, which can be use to kill the quest fish/water beast that is lurking in the deep water.
But to make it bit more different, how about instead of fishing rod, you get a Harpoon, which can be use to kill the quest fish/water beast that is lurking in the deep water.