1- Imagine if the next Chapter in Guildwars were to mainly have its story in a watery environment.
2- Consisting in:
-owning a boat
-engageing other boats or huge whale styled monsters to a fight (FFX Sin anyone?)
-raiding lands(or defending them by land for that matter)
-Owning Islands based on your conquests(granting acess to exclusive things such as new exotic pets habitating only certain islands)
-among other things
3- A new proffession i can imagine for this would be the Corsair Proffession.
Maybe with a parrot pet on the shoulder as the headset armour lol, or maybe just a plain pirate hat, or both

The Corsair Proffession would be the one raiding the lands, while another profession I sugest would be those in charge of protecting the lands from Corsairs (this would involve a Choosing a side perhaps? and taking a role on the war, with 2 alternative endings for each side, or maybe 3 where one path consists on going neutral and arranging peace between the two sides?)
4- Concerning pvp characteristics of a new chapter [Sea Wars]:
I can only imagine a whole new inovative type of gameplay, sort of like GvG ( where you have to defend your base and kill the opositions Guild Lord ), but instead defend your land or atack someones land by ship (imagine the boat cannons being equivalent to the gvg catapults).
Maybe a new pvp sort of game consisted on seizing lands and taking control of outposts there, instead of the passive turf owning in factions
A Raiding Group would Chalenge the Island owning guild/alliance/group to a fight, if the Owners defended they would keep the land, if not the Ship raiders would become the owners of the land.
5-Concerning Pve Matters of the game, fighting enemy sea monsters or enemy ships, sounds apealing to me, gathering a big battalion of players in ships and go forth using ship tactics and strategy outside of direct combat until engageing in short distance.
6-Ship Controling/Movement
Il begin by sugesting a new compass radar where you can draw the lines where the ship would travel to, and gain the ship war not by regular fighting but mainly by involving good strategy, positioning of the ship, etc.
Maybe set certain dots and create a sort of continuous patrol, where the ship would travel to dot #1 lets say, then from dot #1 travel to dot #2, and so on and so forth.
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Anyway, just a suggestion that i needed to get out of my head.