An average rating out of 5, that could only be left once from any account once about another account, no 1 person could totally ruin an accounts reputation as it would be an average, just lowering their average rating slightly in worst case scenario.
Overall this rating would probably ring true and represent the persons reliability. This could even be displayed as a title so 5*, reliable people can show they are trust worthy and people could more quickly find a pug they can rely on. This might also discourage people from scamming overall, as this history could be perminant scammers with a rating 0 could be perminantly put out of buisness, also encouraging people to act honestly and right so that they'r rating is boosted and their account not tarnished.
Again to ensure fairness in the system you could maybe only rate a player youve either partied with or opened a trade window with etc.
GW community mainly only speaks up when its annoyed i know and barely even to congratulate sumone, but maybe they'd be inclinded if the system were very easy to use so as a habit you just rate all those you deal with. Although alot of ----s may leave 0 ratings purely to be annoying and this is an obvious drawback and there are ways it could be abused, but just an idea.
Well thats all ive got, feedback plz maybe its ---- i dunno but id like to know but dnt flame tooooo hard :P
Account Rating
What is this rating, who rates who? if its the ppl in game that rates other ppl.. this is gonna be another high point pistol and knife type server in bf2..
Not totally sure what it is.
Although i believe its "high morale standard" rating hehe
Not totally sure what it is.
Although i believe its "high morale standard" rating hehe
it's late...i wanna go to bed...scrap my idea prefer yours :P
Originally Posted by Stemnin
"high morale standard" rating hehe
And what about new ppl trying to get into "pug's"?
*Hey Guild! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
*Hey Alliance! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
*Hey Friendslist! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
*Hey Alliance! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
*Hey Friendslist! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
Minus Sign
Originally Posted by deathy
*Hey Guild! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
*Hey Alliance! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!* *Hey Friendslist! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!* Etc /notsigned |
Originally Posted by deathy
*Hey Guild! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!*
*Hey Alliance! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!* *Hey Friendslist! Lets rate each other amazingly so we increase our rating!* Etc /notsigned |