Forgive me if this has been posted, I did try a search on this several different ways.
I was wondering if mini pets will always just be little tag along toys or should they somehow evolve or grow or gain some type of ankle biting skill or heal to help their owners. Maybe they can be used like mending but really low level. I have 2 now and I forget to equip them because they really have no use except for being cute. I also don't want to sell them either though. I guess I'm holding onto them to see if anything changes.
Anyone else have ideas for how mini pets could evolve or is this idea too far out there?
Should mini pets evolve?
no these are just for show and they are NOT pokemon
Dante the Warlord
Originally Posted by Drithlan
no these are just for show and they are NOT pokemon
*note* i disagree with the special skill...i meant by more eatures like different colors etc.
What? No pokemon?
It would be cool if we could dye them at the very least.

It would be cool if we could dye them at the very least.
Scavenger Rage
I own the entire collection and they are just for looks...
Nothing will be ever added to them (skills or anything) because since the scratch they are only to show off...
/not signed
Nothing will be ever added to them (skills or anything) because since the scratch they are only to show off...
/not signed
i disagree with them actually being able to do something...but you could support my "mini pet slot" idea that helps them come out!
Minipets are for looks only.. and that's the way they should be. They are there simply to "look cute," and they don't need to be used for anyone else. If you don't want a cute little Rurik or Kuunavang or whatever following you, then sell it and make some money.
Special abilities = No. Times a million.
However, since it's only for looks, I personally don't have a problem with being able to dye them.
Special abilities = No. Times a million.
However, since it's only for looks, I personally don't have a problem with being able to dye them.
Curse You
Pink Necrid Horseman ftw?!
As cool as you may think it would be, using dye on minipets is a bad idea, as well as being hard to implement.
They are basically shrunken versions of the skin used on their full sized counterpart, and as such, are the colour they are for a reason.
As cool as you may think it would be, using dye on minipets is a bad idea, as well as being hard to implement.
They are basically shrunken versions of the skin used on their full sized counterpart, and as such, are the colour they are for a reason.
Special abilities defeat the whole point of mini-pets as being for show. It also defeats the idea of skill > time played.
Also, mini-pets can't and won't evolve like regular pets since you can trade them.
Also, mini-pets can't and won't evolve like regular pets since you can trade them.