I've discovered that the x2 XP for capturing elite skills this weekend does not include Dragons Lair.
I just capped Shield Of Regeneration from the Facet of Light, and only recieved 10k XP instead of 20k.
Anyone know if any other areas are bugged?
Edit- Aww crap, my mistake. Normal XP for an elite is 5k, not 10.
Thats kinda wierd then, cause I capped Warriors Endurance earlier and got 20k XP for it.
Double Elite XP Weekend Bug
Didnt you recieve 5k regular, and 10k with this 2x event?
Hand of Ruin
10k exp is double... normally you only get 5k.
500xp times your level. If you're capping in Dragon's Lair, I assume you're level 20. Therefore, 10,000xp.
Yeah, my bad. Read edit in my first post.