Skill- Signet of Stamina {nf}
You have +50...250 maximum Health. This Signet ends if you successfully hit with an attack.
.25 cast time
20 recharge
if this isnt a broken skil ill be damned :P
pitty they will fix it because this skill is a runners wet dream :O
Can't be removed! unless u attack >_>.
I leached the skill description off :
im bored thought i'd bring this to interested partys eyes
Skill- Signet of Stamina {nf}
its strength based, so its meh. good for running though
Sprint is strength based too.
I'd say this'll replace Endure Pain on any runners who use it.
Definitely is worth pumping up. (For runners' sakes.)
I'd say this'll replace Endure Pain on any runners who use it.
Definitely is worth pumping up. (For runners' sakes.)
Fred Kiwi
and it never ends...?
shame we have no where to run
shame we have no where to run
Star Alfur
Chest running.
First time reading it, I did go :O
First time reading it, I did go :O
oh man...if this doesnt end FoW chest running will be so eaassy!
If we can salvage inscriptions like most people are thinking it will probably kill the gold market anyway :P