Your Nightfall Plans
So, What are you going do Nightfall with First? A Brand spanking new Dervish? or your Trusty old titles Freak? Tell us all !
I'm going to make myself a Dervish, mainly because it looks like a great PvE profession. That and I have a great name picked out 
This time around I'm going to go through it all real slow. I'm shooting for Cartographer right from the beginning, exploring every area as I go through them, and I'm doing all the quests the first time around. Nightfall already looks like it has a ton of lore and storyline, and great vistas, and I'm in no hurry, so why not?

This time around I'm going to go through it all real slow. I'm shooting for Cartographer right from the beginning, exploring every area as I go through them, and I'm doing all the quests the first time around. Nightfall already looks like it has a ton of lore and storyline, and great vistas, and I'm in no hurry, so why not?
Make a Monk and a Warrior with the same face (there's a Monk face that's identical to one of the Warrior faces) and hairstyle (bold). First I'm going to make both of them Legendary Survivors. Then I'm going to get the Monk his People Know Me title, and then it's the Warrior his turn.
Untill then: PvP time!
Untill then: PvP time!
I'm taking my Ele and necro through first, then depending on the replayability of each mission, I will think about my other characters.
As far as the new professions, while I'll be glad to have them on my team, I don't know if I will play as either. (nothing wrong with them, just not my style of play)
As far as the new professions, while I'll be glad to have them on my team, I don't know if I will play as either. (nothing wrong with them, just not my style of play)
I make a ranger to use my Zealous zodiac longbow of fortitude on.
First I'll create a Paragon, and go through the storyline real slow.
Then it's either time to create a Dervish, or ship my Tyria and Cantha characters over to Elona to unlock the new skills.
Then it's either time to create a Dervish, or ship my Tyria and Cantha characters over to Elona to unlock the new skills.
Dervish got nerfed so hard I can't even see true potential looking at their skill list. Paragon however I already have a build setup.
Dervish can still be decent, but R/D will be better since mysticism is worthless.
Dervish got nerfed so hard I can't even see true potential looking at their skill list. Paragon however I already have a build setup.
Dervish can still be decent, but R/D will be better since mysticism is worthless.
Ehecatzin FlyingCrab
Im creating a Dervish, I like the pve potential it has, and Im going to takemy time to play it, no rushing through misions. And Im bringing my war to change it to W/P, I like that combo.
take my monk through. I wanna play those cool new missions, and I don't want to wait half an hour in town for that.
I will start with the Dev, once i get so fair might switch to the Par, if not then beat them both with the game and then after that bring over all my other chars from Tyria and Cantha and do it with them. I already have the names for both of them.
Here's what I'm gonna do:
I'm gonna purchase the pre-release pack, and then Nightfall, giving me three character slots.
Now, I won't make a Dervish PvE, ever. Wanna know why? I've just about UAS'ed it already. I can unlock the rest of the stuff I need from faction.
Instead, I'm going with a Paragon. Gonna go through the story, doing everything I feel like doing, but trying not to rush. Quests and titles really aren't my thing, so I'm probably just gonna do enough to make sure I stay reasonably above the "normal" level for the area (two or three levels, say). Once I get to the meat-and-bones of the game, I'm gonna do everything I need to, and probably not much else.
Of course, before I do that, I'm going to use the money and skill points I've saved up to purchase and cap the new warrior and assassin skills, as well as the monk skills that seem to have some use.
And then I'll see where it goes from there.
I'm gonna purchase the pre-release pack, and then Nightfall, giving me three character slots.
Now, I won't make a Dervish PvE, ever. Wanna know why? I've just about UAS'ed it already. I can unlock the rest of the stuff I need from faction.
Instead, I'm going with a Paragon. Gonna go through the story, doing everything I feel like doing, but trying not to rush. Quests and titles really aren't my thing, so I'm probably just gonna do enough to make sure I stay reasonably above the "normal" level for the area (two or three levels, say). Once I get to the meat-and-bones of the game, I'm gonna do everything I need to, and probably not much else.
Of course, before I do that, I'm going to use the money and skill points I've saved up to purchase and cap the new warrior and assassin skills, as well as the monk skills that seem to have some use.
And then I'll see where it goes from there.
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
People Know Me title
KoaBD is 5 titles maxed, PKM is 10 titles maxed.
Scavenger Rage
Got my cash ready for my Paragon FOW already ^^
Also, I plan to play REALYYYY slow....whatching everthing and doing everything like some others...
SOOOO, even thought the money is might take me a while to get to fow from elone in the first run
Also, I plan to play REALYYYY slow....whatching everthing and doing everything like some others...
SOOOO, even thought the money is might take me a while to get to fow from elone in the first run

I'm training up a monk in Tyria to go through Nightfall. The way i see it is all P/ D/ and someone needs to heal them. I gotta practice seeing as i have nevermonked before, but a month is enough, no? And i'll probably learn going through Ngihtfall aswell. Also I have a promising warrior coming through, and i might take my sin to Elona, to mix it up a bit. And of course Isch will make his way through.
I only have 100k, but im making a Paragon. They kick ass
Originally Posted by icedragon981
KoaBD is 5 titles maxed, PKM is 10 titles maxed.
Of course that is by no means the first title that was blanketed by lies posted on the Guild Wiki; pretty much all of them have had the same treatment.
Sure would be nice if the devs started officially announcing all the title tiers instead of leaving players in the dark to to be misled by widespread lies.
I missed the PVE preview, what exactly did they do with the Mysticism nerf?

Jeff Highwind
My Necromancer's gonna hop barge and go to Elona. I don't like any of the new classes at all, so I just plan to unlock them via Balthazar faction.
But to get the whole storyline, my Nuker from the PvE weekend will play through first.
But to get the whole storyline, my Nuker from the PvE weekend will play through first.
Cyan The Archer
Originally Posted by Navaros
Kind of funny that a few months ago when I read other posters here saying that KoaBD was a max level title as a result of the Guild Wiki saying so and I asked them where they got that confirmed info they told me "some guy had it and posted a screenshot". The consensus of posters here was indeed that KoABD was a max level title. Obviously that was all a load of baloney that fooled many posters here.
Of course that is by no means the first title that was blanketed by lies posted on the Guild Wiki; pretty much all of them have had the same treatment. Sure would be nice if the devs started officially announcing all the title tiers instead of leaving players in the dark to to be misled by widespread lies. |
Going to take my Ranger through Nightfall. Get Protector of X title and X Master Cartopgrapher. Then im 6/5 of a big deal... Dunno what to do next. Maybe hope that Anet makes Legendary Survivor fair(aka people with deaths can still get it). Then go for Skill Hunter if that happens. No new characters.. Only my ranger!
Ganik Thress
I'm most definitely going to make both a Paragon and Dervish, because I've mapped out perfectly the amount of slots that I would get, saving the most money along the way, in order to have one character for all of the soon to be ten classes, along with one PvP slot.
Waiting for Nightfall, going crazy fast with ele doing everything on my weekends. Then I go through with my other characters very slow. (Basically same thing I did with Factions.)
Make a Paragon, then maybe a Dervish.
I'll take my monk over and complete it with that first. Then i'll get Elonan GMC, Protector of Elona, max out the Sunspear title and get KoaBD(when i max out 1 of those 3 titles) on my monk before creating my paragon.
Juicey Shake
pwning shit on 1st day with ranger. rushing it with some friends.
Going through the game as my Monk, tired of making new characters and waiting forever in towns.
Well since there will be a million Dervishes and Paragon's running around, I will be putting my Warrior and 1 or 2 other characters through Nightfall before I create one of the new professions.
Going to finally remake a Necro after deleting my Tyrian one so long ago... Playing MM during the preview event made me miss how much fun they were. The new summon was pretty neat too.
So if you see a random necro amongst a sea of Dervishes and Paragons, that's probably me.
So if you see a random necro amongst a sea of Dervishes and Paragons, that's probably me.

Poison Ivy
Mah Tryian Necromancer with her 6 sets of 15k 1st, then my still in Ascalon Monk.
Well I thought I would run my ranger since he my favorite chr.I will be starting a new dervish but will run him when my friend is online.Convinced him to come over to GW.He is starting with NF.Looking foward to NF.Should be alot of fun.
I'll be taking my Monk through the game first since my Monk is my main. Then after some time I'll work on a Dervish and then a Paragon.
Cicada Sopita
Don't know yet... I would like to take my primary mesmer through first, but on the other hand I want to know how the choices I make on the quests affect the game... So propably I'll make a monk and go through the game with her.
Curse You
First I'm going to go to the first City I can get to from Tyria, and look for a hotel. After that I plan to go sight seeing, you know, checking out all the cool monsters and missions.
Yea, just like with Factions, I'm going to complete the whole campaign with my Necromacer, THEN make a paragon or dervish.
Yea, just like with Factions, I'm going to complete the whole campaign with my Necromacer, THEN make a paragon or dervish.
Make my new Ele, get to level 20, back to Tyria to cap skills, back to Nightfall
take through my Monk, Necro, Warrior and Ranger
Should keep me busy
take through my Monk, Necro, Warrior and Ranger
Should keep me busy
I spent 26 hours doing all quests I could find on the Preview island (made level 19.5)
for Retail launch,
I'm going to send over my 7 level 20s to adventure on the Mainland
eventually, I'll join the hordes of Dervs and Paras on Starter Isle
for Retail launch,
I'm going to send over my 7 level 20s to adventure on the Mainland
eventually, I'll join the hordes of Dervs and Paras on Starter Isle

Lord Oranos
I plan on(of course) making a Dervish, then trying to cap Tainted Flesh so I can use more enchant hungry skills, and spells, it works well with sig of piety for a self heal.
First, I'm going to delete my pvp char that is saving my pve mesmers name. Then I'm going to make a Nightfall mesmer with that name. Then I'm going to make a paragon. Then I'm going to play on them (and my dervish I made in the pve event) and try to at least get them to the place where you can bring them to Cantha or Tyria. Then once I'm done playing on those three, I'm going to bring my monk, necro, and assassin to nightfall and play on those. Then I'll decide from there...
Doing the same thing I did with Factions. Tyrian monk first, as she is my primary character, and mapping from the beginning.
I love melee and basic damage dealing classes so I'll bring over my Warrior, my Assassin and maybe sometime after he's done Factions, my Elementalist.
This is of-course after I've mullered my way through the campaign with my Dervish
This is of-course after I've mullered my way through the campaign with my Dervish
Making a new Nightfall Necro. Then taking him to Cantha (when possible).
With the ever increasing ammount of char slots I'm having trouble deciding what chars I'll spend time with in factions. What I do know is this:
First off I'm gonna get my monk over there and pwn through the game like nobody's business. After that/alongside that I'll make a Paragon and take it nice and slow through the story as me and UAX Koss rip the game a new one. Gotta love deckin' em out with elites at lvl 2.
I'm still not sure whether or not my Dervish will be male or female. It will all depend on the armors so I'll have to just wait it out until ppl start posting their armors here on Guru.
I'll also make a new necro with the extra Nightfall slot from the prerelease pack that Gamestop gave me for free when I preordered Nightfall. (teh noobs)
After that it's a big jumbled mess trying to decide which of my other chars to spend time on, and whether or not it'll be worth it bringing over the ol' sin and rit.
First off I'm gonna get my monk over there and pwn through the game like nobody's business. After that/alongside that I'll make a Paragon and take it nice and slow through the story as me and UAX Koss rip the game a new one. Gotta love deckin' em out with elites at lvl 2.

I'm still not sure whether or not my Dervish will be male or female. It will all depend on the armors so I'll have to just wait it out until ppl start posting their armors here on Guru.
I'll also make a new necro with the extra Nightfall slot from the prerelease pack that Gamestop gave me for free when I preordered Nightfall. (teh noobs)
After that it's a big jumbled mess trying to decide which of my other chars to spend time on, and whether or not it'll be worth it bringing over the ol' sin and rit.