Reefclaw's Refuge: Strength +1 (20% chance while using skills)
Does that mean it has a 20% chance add 1% armor pierce to my attack if I use a weapon skill like cyclone or executioner?
Question about Reefclaw's Refuge
No, it'll only give you +1 to the green numbers listed on your skills.
Former Ruling
+1 attribute things, like Savio mentioned, only effect the Skills linked to that attribute by increasing the skill by whatever +1 to that attribute would do to it.
Making stuff like "Fast Casting +1" or "Soul Reaping +1" not as appealing as they look.
Making stuff like "Fast Casting +1" or "Soul Reaping +1" not as appealing as they look.
Mesmer in Need
say if im using sprint when im using this, and my usual sprint 12 seconds. if the effect of this weapon kicks in, it will make my sprint work for 13 seconds only for that one time using sprint, until the modifier kicks in again.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Mesmer in Need
say if im using sprint when im using this, and my usual sprint 12 seconds. if the effect of this weapon kicks in, it will make my sprint work for 13 seconds only for that one time using sprint, until the modifier kicks in again.
Only if you had 11 strength.
If you had 9 or 10 strength (both being 12 secs), this mod wouldnt help you at all.
Not all skills benefit from every attribute point. Something important enoguh to note

I see thanks. I guess it's not as good as I thought it would be.