can anyone help me with bows?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Aug 2006

hey i dont know which bow is good
theres soo many
recruve bow
horn bow
flat bow
with one is better
im a R/Mo
and i use my ranger for everything
can anyone plz help me decide



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


Wiki is your friend! Listen to your friend for he speaks the truth.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Ascalon City, Tyria

Free Agent


Try the search function it has tons of threads with topics about bows.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I reckon every new forum member should get an email with the most commonly asked questions sent to them when they join so they can read up on them before posting. Most people join becuase they have a simple question to ask and it can't be found immediately (thats what happens when you live in a digital world everyone wants everything NOW NOW NOW... )


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


Plus search funtions don't always yield perfect results on forums with loads of data on!!

But I think there should be a FAQ area of the forum, with 12 seperate stickys, one for each class, an weapon FAQ, an armour FAQ, a elite skill FAQ and a mission FAQ.

Would save a lot of time.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

East Coast

Soldier's Union [SU]


Now that we have the "use the wiki / search button" posts out of the way, let's offer some useful information.

This is from memory and as such, may not be entirely accurate...but hopefully it's close.

Each bow has 2 "properties" that should concern you: refire rate/flight time, and range.
Usually, you trade one for the other.
The longbow and flatbow have the greatest range...I think 1.5 the aggro circle (more if you're up high...)...which are great for pulling.
The half-moon and shortbow have the shortest distance..1.0 the aggro circle, I think. The half moon, especially, has a rapid flight time and refire time.
The recurve bow splits the difference...1.2 the aggro circle, and a slightly faster flight/refire time than longbows.
As a ranger, I keep 4 different bows in the bar, to use depending on my role, and depending on what's going to happen.
--Longbow for pulling, long-distance support.
--Recurve bow for most melees. Mine has an HP and energy bonus on it...
--Half Moon for when the fight is in my circle.

I think a lot of people find that the recurve is most useful all-around, but isn't necessarily the best in certain places/situations.

Hope this helps.