I may be oblivious, but did they freeze recruitment for any reason recently?
I just tried to invite a new member to the guild; he accepted, showed up briefly in the guild roster, then disappeared. He did NOT leave, as I checked the Status screen. I try to reinvite him and it says he's in a guild already...
Anyone else having invite problems?
EDIT: OK, he finally was able to join.... however, his name is STILL not in the roster at all, though he can use guild and alliance chat, and visit GH. Ahoy for shadow members of the guild lol.
Guild invites bugged?
Effendi Westland
We had shadow members before. Should sort itself eventually.
I've invited 2 people yesterday, and they show up fine. Doubt it's really bugged, but I'll keep an eye on my next recruits.
I've had my roster or friends list weird out on me before, like showing everyone online, including my other account which of course I was not logged into at the time. It always fixes itself with a little time.
yeah we were told several times that the person didn't exsist or that for some reason the transaction couldnt be made... It just gets buggy or wierd from time to time and normally sorts itself out.