

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Sep 2006

Panda Massacre


I just made my first 100k, but want to turn it into a little more before I actually decide to buy that fancy new set of armor. The only way I know how to merchant my money is to buy troll tusks and take them to the collector, then sell that to a merchant. What are some different ways that I can turn my 100k into a later 200k? Thanks a lot!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Moving to Q&A.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


Buy things cheap when you see them being sold in towns.

If you see someone selling something you know you can easily get 30k for, offer them 20k for it. Worst they can do is say no.

If you are selling something, try to haggle up a few k on it.

Eventaully you get enough to be doing this with better and better stuff...making more profit per time.

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

100K isn't enough to get into trading.

Best thing to do is to keep on farming and keep spending to a minimal.

Selling every white drop to the merchant will soon build a few k every day if you do missions/quests.

Runes..allot of the time a gold rune is worth more unsalvaged then salvaged so check the rune merchant before salvaging the rune.

Farming collector materials can bring in a few k but really isn't worth the hassle.

Learn to solo bosses for their greens if you don't know how already.

IMO as an experienced trader you should steer well clear of getting into trading until you have a comfortable money pot to fall back on if things go wrong.

A Leprechaun

A Leprechaun

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


if you get any golds you have to make a decision, how much are you gonna get for it?
if you think you can definetly get a fair bit ID it if your not sure go to Port Sledge German district there you can trade un-ID gold runes for about 2k
un-ID gold caster items and shields for about 800g-1k and un-ID swords,axes and bows going for between 2.5k and 8k with hammers a little less

well hope it helps

~A Leprechaun~



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005

South Shields, England

The Psycho Titans


buy high reqs weapons off auctions and then salvage the mods.

i recently made 50k profit off 2 axes i bought. i managed to salvage 2 20/20 sunderings.
