I wanted to update you on two bugs that we're aware of and are currently working to fix.
First of all, there's that irritating "Did I cast that or didn't I?" bug. That's the one where you don't hear the sounds, don't see the animations or particle effects, but sure enough, the skill icon appears in the upper left, so you know you're good to go. Well, we don't want you to have to peer into the upper left to know you're good to go, and this is admittedly a bug, and we're working on it. FYI, it's sorta complicated, because I've talked to about half a dozen people, and since this overlaps animation, special effects, sound, and skill casting, it's hard to nail down where the issue is. It is no insoluable, though, and we'll fix it, rest assured.
Secondly, you've noticed that your Skill Bar is often, when first heading into an instance, displaying lovely hourglasses. Now, I'm a big fan of hourglasses. I love the whole fantasy/alchemy/wizardry/old fashioned/Wicked Witch of the West has Dorothy locked in the castle tower look of the things. However, attractive as they may be

Hope this is helpful information, and I'll try to update you as progress is made. Of course, if you witness a correction to either of these, well, there's your update.