Can Minions critical?



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


Topic. All research on Guildwiki has been inconclusive. If so, what's their natural critical rate?

(The reason I'm checking is for "Go For The Eyes!" See the potential? )



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Charter Vanguard [CV]


I would also be interested in this question, I can't find anything to prove or disprove it either. "Find Their Weakness!" would be another shout that would benefit from it, especially in combination with "Go For The Eyes!".

Warrior Lisa

Warrior Lisa

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Shoplifters [NOFX]


Yes, Minions can critical hit. The % is alot smaller than if you were the player or an assaassin. To tell they land a Critical hit there will be a big "Red splot" and a Louder noise when they hit. You will have to be like right next to your minion to see it. But out of all the summons, Fiends do the most critical hits. And the Rate i would belive would maybe be 1/ 20 hits. That is rounded to about 5% Chance. but thats based off of what i see as a MM.

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


There's an easy way to test it. Raise one mininion and then let it go attack a bunch of level 4's or so. If they can critical they should be hitting the same amount ever single time, because against a level 4 all of their hits should be criticals. I'd go test it but don't feel like switching my necro from SS to MM .