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Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2006

East Coast USA

Forsaken Templar


Sorry if this is in the wrong section, i wasn't sure where to put it, but I have been playing my warrior, and recently started up a ritualist, which made it through the game easy as a resto rit, but now I am wondering what to play next, since I usually take the endgame green for my next character.

Anyone have an idea? I am looking for specific builds so I can tell if I will like to play them, so far I have been thinking either assassin or a echo nuker, but I am open to anything, thx guys!

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

Domination Mesmer.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


Group finding is quite hard when playing an assassin. That's at least my experience with it, as everything in this posting. I'm afraid you'll have to do most missions with guildmates or people from your friendlist, PuGs seldom pick up assassins. Some of those who do accept assassins as teammates often mess up by taking too many fighters and not enough casters. But that's a general PuG problem I guess.
I would be glad to hear different experiences playing assassin though. Would kind of restore my belief in mankind

Many assassins are played as a/r who take barrage with them. Also, poisoning your weapon and causing another dereg in addition to bleeding is usefull. Recall might be as well, as you can retreat really fast and teleport yourself back to the casters and by that out of - almost - any aggro. Another advantage is that you could help kiling enemies that reached the support really fast, cause you don't need to run, you just teleport. One of my favourite strikes is Fox Fangs, because they cannot be blocked or evaded. Deathblossom is nice, as it is -as far as I know - the only skill you can hit more than one target with. Not a complete build, but some ideas, I hope
What makes the assassins that extremely deadly agains one foe is their combo. But it's also their weakest spot (apart from their 'poor' armor). That's why I often take a second off-hand and - more seldom- dual attack with me, as the recovery of lead hand attacks appears quite short to me.

And echo nuker or better fire elementalist in the beginning... well you either have to start your character in Prophecies or travel to Kryta, cause echo nuking includes the skill meteor shower. You can first get it from Captain Greywind in the Ascalon Settlement, north of Lion's Arch. You also need good energy management, cause the spells you will use as a nuker are quite expensive. I prefere to use arcane echo duping Rodgort's Invocation though. Not every group knows how to body block or when it gets necessary to do so. Most enemies simply run out of its range. By that they even show more intelligence than some real players *grin* You cannot interrupt foes this way, but at least targets cannot flee from getting damage. Again, is Prophecies where you get the 'right' skill.
E/A is funny for skills like inferno, phoenix and stuff, as you can retreat easily using recall. Teinai's Wind/Whirlwind is usefull, too, in case you can't get away immediately - or just before you leave. Not because of it's damage, as you don't skill air magic, but because it knocks down attacking foes. Combined with bed of coals you get a nice but smelly BBQ.

Having played both classes you mentioned, I feel elementalists are easier to play. I'm a little pyro though, so this influences me as well
But everything said/wrote is just my humble oppinion. I'm curious about other statements

Excuse my partly bad English, hope you understand it though... where I'm living it is 6 a.m. right now oO I need to go to bed... ^^