Sorry I think this is a repost but I can't find my previous post
Shield 16 (req 9 tactics)
+1 curses (19%)
I don't recall seeing any shields previously that give attribute bonuses - is this rare
Shield with +1 curses
They're not rare, nor are they particularly useful.
Thanks Savio
Arwen Shiningstar
They may not be rare but I have been searching forever for +1 Illusion magic/ any +HPS for my illisionary weapon Mesmer.
I have sold several with out any problems too. So I guess its a case of different strokes for different folks. I think they can be useful but you have to be a little more creative with your builds then just the typical cookie cutter builds.

The Abbott
yeah i've had a +1 tactics shield and a +1 smiting one.... never dual modded though so i didnt keep them

Hyper Cutter
I found a +1 Death Magic one once...
It's weird... until a few days ago I never had a +1 casting attribute shield drop for me. I've been playing since E3E too! Then in the unwaking waters mission I get a +1 smiting 17% tactics based shield. It was high req so it went to the merch.
It's hard to price something like this (at least for me) because the builds that would use it are very specific and some are not that popular.
Anyway... it's nice to see them dropping for other people.
It's hard to price something like this (at least for me) because the builds that would use it are very specific and some are not that popular.
Anyway... it's nice to see them dropping for other people.
once had a req 8 strength// +1 healing 20%// hp+29 eternal shield.. sold it for 100k easy.
so if they have the right mods.. monks or any chars will do anything to look a tad different from the rest
so if they have the right mods.. monks or any chars will do anything to look a tad different from the rest
+1 healing will atract mending Warriors lol :P
I have a divine favor +1 20% one and I'm using it on my monk's negative energy set