Help With My Factions Choices


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


I've finally decided to start playing Factions, lol. Well, my Necro in Tyria is now a Protector, and I've got every Necro elite for him...I'd just been farming UW constantly, so it was a good time to leave him. My monk is progressing through the game, but the beauty of this game is I can always go back can't I?

Anyway, I want to start in Cantha with either an Assasain or a Ritualist.

So, I want to know of the people who play Factions, which Primary/Secondary to go with. I've read up on both, and they both sound good. So what do you guys think?

I'll be doing the whole PvE thing first....Do either the Ritualist or the Assasain struggle to get into PvE groups like the Mesmer in Prophecies? (Wrongly so, I think Mesmers can be awesome :P)

Anyway, I've read up and can't decide. They all sound good, so I need some help! So whatever the theme here seems to be is what I'm gonna go with.

So please, let me know what you think my primary and secondary should be.

Please no responses about choose yourself, it's just I can't make my mind up. I just wanna know what you guys think is a fun class to play



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Please no responses about choose yourself, it's just I can't make my mind up. I just wanna know what you guys think is a fun class to play

So how are we suppost to give our opinion if we cant say that we tried both, well i'm telling it like it is, I had a sin first, lvl 18 first mission, deleted, not easy to find a group, made a Rt quickly after, Protector of Cantha.

I do like the rits myself. Of course you can do like alot of my guildies and hench alot..


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2006

If you want in PUGs, assassins are pretty much hated on that front. They'll invite you if you play Rt, because they hope you are a healer.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


I have never tried either but I refuse to make a sin on the grounds that:

1. They die fast, very fast.
2. You can't get into a PuG with one.
3. They die fast, very fast.

Ritualists on the other hand, are awesome. You can go restoration and say "screw you monks", you can spam spirits stuff.

Ritualist FTW!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


As I said in a different thread, it's hard to find groups playing assasin. Less defence than a warrior, but often even faster in getting into trouble than the 'behated' K/Mo. That's quite a common picture of assassins when playing in Europe, that's what people connect with this class. Weak, no damage, useless. Plus going on ones nerves, cause there isn't a mission where you don't have at least 5 assassins wanting to join just any group to get on with playing. The reason is, that there were way to many assassins short after Factions release, it's a bit better now. But that's what many ppl still have in mind. Allthough this picture is a prejudice and has been ever since release. There may be some 'bad' assassin players - but that's something every class has in common. And bad is always something subjectively, as it is something different to everyone. When finding a group, it is fun though. I sometimes feel like a wasp when playing assassin: fast stitching and escaping I love Recall ^^
A/R is nice, as you can either use barrage, or poisen your weapon in addition to cause bleeding.
A/N helps to get rid of bleeding and stuff using plague touch. In fact, touching is not that bad at all, cause using Recall you (again - did I mention I love that spell? ) can get yourself out of trouble in no time.

Ritualists are often reduced on their restoration magic attribute and believed to do their job as a healer just like a monk. But they are no monks at all. I don't say they can't heal. I know myself that they can heal a lot by sacrificing hp. But thats why I feel Ritualists are more like N/Mo Also, Ritualist restoration magic spells take longer to be casted. IMHO a protection ritualist does make more sense, than a healer.
Channelling is great, ritualists dealing damage and/or knocking enemies down for a while using Earthbind + Wanderlust are quite fun. Dissonance has fun potencial too, but not as much as the ghost combo just mentioned ^^
Rt/Mo is quite common for healing ritualists. My advice: prot and support. Weapons, ghosts, ashes. Anything else might be too slow.
Rt/A is common as well, but I fear most are relicts from Factions release, where people couldn't decide which class to choose. Though using Shadow Arts - e.g. Shadow Refuge or Shadow Form - can be helpfull in battle when you are under attack.

That's it so far. Again I'm curious about other peoples oppinions. You can always learn something new ^^

[Edit] Addition: I did the last two missions around 2 a.m. last night. I played assassin and lead the group. The first one to join was a monk ^^ That saved my early morning. We did both missions with masters reward easily. You can get into PuGs. It's a question of luck, though.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


Well, after reading the responses on this thread and talking to my guild mates I'm leaning towards Ritualist.

So, next question, what do you reckon for a secondary class? My guildies want me to go for Rit Lord, so any preference on secondary class?

And my previous two characters have both been male, so I fancy a female this time. Which armour looks cooler on the ritualist, male or female?

Thanx again!

Edit - Reading up some more, I'm liking the sound of Ritualist/Ranger or Ritualist/Mesmer. Any ideas? Like I said, ive never played either, so am willing to go with what you guys recomend!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


I dont use any secondaries skills for rit, if you do go Rt lord, but i usually go rt/me, when you get to Arborstone, watch out for the falling ceiling, bring mantra of concentration, or resolve if you can handle the energy.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


I'd go with Mesmer secondary as well for farming and "general all round use", and Female Rits look soooooo much better

Here's mine in her 15K Imperial



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2006


Guards Of The Citadel [GotC]


I have both an A & an RT and they are both decent. The A, however, seems to die quickly if surrounded by a large amount of guys but great for running away. The Rt can dishnout good damage with spirits.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


I prefere female ritualists, too. They have more beautiful armors, faces and hairdoos. But nobody can beat the male ritualist's dance ^^

My little girl, Exotic armor 1.5k, bought at Wajjun Bazaar, except headgear, that's canthan ^^

Shattered Self

Shattered Self

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005



Most rit builds don't really need any secondary class. As stated though, mesmer has some useful support skills (Arcane Echo + Vengeful Was Khanhei = great solo build).

Assassins are really more PvP focused: they excel at taking down a single target very quickly, but they tend to have long recharge times on their skill chains, and they're generally almost as "squishy" as a caster.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2006

Hooded Reavers of Eternal Life(Ankh)


A rit will probably suit your playstyle if you are most comfortable with necro and monk. Personally I have more fun with my sin but I play her mostly with hench.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

Manchester, England

The Monstrous Fangs (fang)


So it looks like a Rit/Me then

I thought ranger would work as you could get the Rit primary bonus' for the Rangers spirits also

I think I'll go Rit/Me then...And female ritualists do look cool, think I'm gonna get me one of those :P

So the Rit/Me build can be solo'd? Just cos I do enjoying soloing with my Necro and Monk, and duo'ing UW with both. If a Rit can come into this category as well then thats much better

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




I went Rt/E and liked it: Ward vs Melee is a nice PvE skill that will keep your teammates (and henchmen) alive a lot longer than otherwise.

Assassins are a PvP class, don't make one. Ritualists are great in PvE, make one.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


Originally Posted by Lavindathar
So the Rit/Me build can be solo'd? Just cos I do enjoying soloing with my Necro and Monk, and duo'ing UW with both. If a Rit can come into this category as well then thats much better
This answer your question? and I'm pretty sure Dahnel's got a Vengeful build/guide for solo UW in the Rit build section.