As I said in a different thread, it's hard to find groups playing assasin. Less defence than a warrior, but often even faster in getting into trouble than the 'behated' K/Mo. That's quite a common picture of assassins when playing in Europe, that's what people connect with this class. Weak, no damage, useless. Plus going on ones nerves, cause there isn't a mission where you don't have at least 5 assassins wanting to join just any group to get on with playing. The reason is, that there were way to many assassins short after Factions release, it's a bit better now. But that's what many ppl still have in mind. Allthough this picture is a prejudice and has been ever since release. There may be some 'bad' assassin players - but that's something every class has in common. And bad is always something subjectively, as it is something different to everyone. When finding a group, it is fun though. I sometimes feel like a wasp when playing assassin: fast stitching and escaping

I love Recall ^^
A/R is nice, as you can either use barrage, or poisen your weapon in addition to cause bleeding.
A/N helps to get rid of bleeding and stuff using plague touch. In fact, touching is not that bad at all, cause using Recall you (again - did I mention I love that spell?

) can get yourself out of trouble in no time.
Ritualists are often reduced on their restoration magic attribute and believed to do their job as a healer just like a monk. But they are no monks at all. I don't say they can't heal. I know myself that they can heal a lot by sacrificing hp. But thats why I feel Ritualists are more like N/Mo

Also, Ritualist restoration magic spells take longer to be casted. IMHO a protection ritualist does make more sense, than a healer.
Channelling is great, ritualists dealing damage and/or knocking enemies down for a while using Earthbind + Wanderlust are quite fun. Dissonance has fun potencial too, but not as much as the ghost combo just mentioned ^^
Rt/Mo is quite common for healing ritualists. My advice: prot and support. Weapons, ghosts, ashes. Anything else might be too slow.
Rt/A is common as well, but I fear most are relicts from Factions release, where people couldn't decide which class to choose. Though using Shadow Arts - e.g. Shadow Refuge or Shadow Form - can be helpfull in battle when you are under attack.
That's it so far. Again I'm curious about other peoples oppinions. You can always learn something new ^^
[Edit] Addition: I did the last two missions around 2 a.m. last night. I played assassin and lead the group. The first one to join was a monk ^^ That saved my early morning. We did both missions with masters reward easily. You can get into PuGs. It's a question of luck, though.