Unlocking elite skills
Beatrix of Alexandria
Yeah, this is probably a silly question but it's something I've heard about happening (though I'm inclined not to believe it)...anyway, when you unlock a skill with a character you can make a new one and buy it from the skill trainer without havign to do the ques to get it again. Well, what about elites? Does it work the same way; that is if I cap an elite with one character, can I make a new character and buy it from a trainer without having to cap it again (and if so, do I have to go to specific skill trainers)?
Whispering Siren
No, you still have to cap elites on new characters. Only regular skills are at trainers.
Beatrix of Alexandria
That's what I thought...just was seeing people claim that they unlocked and then bought elites from skill trainers so I wanted to make sure.
But you can use it for pvp characters