Minature Shiro Present WTF ?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


White Mantel Legends


I haven't played GW since Febuary this year so when I log in today I find that I have a Present in my inventory which wasn't their before, it says "double click to open" so I double click on it and out pops a "Minature Shiro".

What is it and what does it do lol?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005


Heros of Titans Realm [HotR]


It's your character's birthday present. It doesn't really do anything but follow you around if you are outside of an outpost. It's for looks. Some people collect them and some people sell them. They are tradeable so you can decide. You may want to do a price check before you sell it. The minipets are different prices depending upon how rare they are.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2006


It's a Minipet, or Birthday present as your char was 1 year old sometime between today and the last time you logged in.

Grats on Shiro, it's a sought after Minipet and can fetch quite a bit of Gold if you decide to sell

Dougal Kronik

Dougal Kronik

Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2005

Ontario, Canada

Glengarry Fencibles


It's a birthday present for having your character over 1 year old.

The Mini Shiro can be double clicked outside any town/outpost and he hangs around you and follows you. Nothing else.

Go back into town - he's in your inventory again.

You can sell/trade to other players since he is not customized.

Mini Shiro is one of the highest valued mini pets.

Check Ventari's for current trade/sell value.

Former Ruling

Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Oct 2005

Cedartown, Georgia


On the streets they are ~90k at most now.

If you are too lazy to click links


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


White Mantel Legends


June my char would have been 1yo so that explains the pressent though I want a car for my next one lol.

Thanks for the info and links as well.

And im not too lazy to click links.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

And NO, they are not cloneable. Nor do they do any healing. (Two common scams people try with regards to the mini pets.) Congrats on the mini-shiro!