question.. are guildwars servers online now?
Evil Exmortis
question.. are guildwars servers online now? i really wont to play!!

The Pointless
Erm, yeah. When were they offline, and what was the Error code you got?
The Pointless
That might be a problem at your end. Try restarting your router and your computer. And I mean fully restart, don't just log out of Windows and go back in.
Evil Exmortis
u lucky guys..... somthing wrong with my comp or ie connection, i cant enter even http://www.guildwars.com/ or anet, rest fine as u see i can post this thread...... i was restarting comp. no errors just small load window freeze on 0%
its like my internet provider blocks me, i must add - playing from europe on american servers thats the reason no route to server!! time to sleep 00.00 here
its like my internet provider blocks me, i must add - playing from europe on american servers thats the reason no route to server!! time to sleep 00.00 here
actually i had some really bad lag spikes in the last 5 mins and after a dc i cannot reconnect :/.....
(note eu player on american servers)
Edit seems like we are not the only ones http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10054706
(note eu player on american servers)
Edit seems like we are not the only ones http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=10054706