Important questions need to know ASAP!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Tors Hammare [TH]


Ok, so I've preordered nightfall. I know it's due 27th. I got prophecies but forgot my plaync account and my ingame password. So I've contacted plaync to get it back. It's been 3 days since they asked for all the regisration info and I still got no response. I want to make a P/W later on in nightfall. But I'm worried about not getting all the elites for warriors. Will they be capturable in elona too? Or only in Tyria? That's my question.. I wanna play now so I thought I could just go out and buy factions instead and then use that with nightfall but can you get all warrior elites in cantha? That's my question...

If anyone know plz tell me. Also I can imagine paragons and dervishes starting in tyria just to ascend and get the +15 attribute points or whatever it is. Does cantha have the same? That suck for ppl with no prophecies or no factions and have nightfall.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

1. Some elites are only available in a specific chapter. If you want Eviscerate, you'll have to go to Tyria/Prophecies; if you want Triple Chop, you'll have to go to Cantha/Factions.

2. You can only start paragons and dervishes in Elona. In addition, there are +15 attribute point quests in every continent/chapter, and you can only do the ones for your home continent. An Elonian character can't do the attribute point quests in Cantha and Tyria.




Join Date: Jul 2005

Some elites will be copied in Elona, many will not. You will have to cap them in Tyria and Cantha, for those only availble there.

Paragons and Dervishes will not be able to start in Tyria.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Tors Hammare [TH]


Where did you hear that you can't start p and d in tyria? Can you start them in cantha? cause A and Rt can start in tyria..

Also is there any way to go back to tyria from elona?



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Sifu
cause A and Rt can start in tyria..
No they can't. They can travel to Tyria, but they must be started in Cantha.

Also is there any way to go back to tyria from elona?
You'll unlock the ability to travel between continents at some point during the campaign. After that you just use the boat icon on your world map.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Apr 2006


Tors Hammare [TH]


I see, thanks then ^^ I hope I get my prophecies account back. Gonna wait until tomorrow. If I haven't gotten my info by then I say RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO Plaync and I'm buying factions.