Christian guild on Guild Wars?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Oct 2006

While I was working through the beginning of factions with a character I noticed that someone was advertising for a christian guild. That struck me as kind of wrong. Due to the setting and type of game Guild Wars is, I do not think that there is a place in it for Christianity. Don't get me wrong, I am a Christian myself, I just believe that there is a time and a place to express those beliefs and this is not it.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Some ppl like to get together in a game with similar "values" to themselves and such, there are all girl guilds, all monk guilds..



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Tuskforce Supremacy [Tusk]


Its nothing really to do about expressing their beliefs. As Stemnin said, its more to do with playing with a party of like minded people. I can potentially see a lot less trash talk with an ulti-christian guild.. or I could be wrong and theres no difference XD
But yeah, nothing wrong with people of the same faith playing together. Its not like their planning guild bible bashing runs through Kanieng Central or anything

<- Muslim



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006


This is foolish, people the join a guild because they share some kind of common intrest is fine.When I start playing GW I remember one of the guilds I was apart of was very perverted and as soon as my female character log on and was in the guild hall she was getting the warrior hump, and ppl would always say disgusting things.
Maybe ppl that join a guild advertising that it is christian hope to avoid such things. All in all I think any guild that advertises certain themes are ok EXCEPT for guilds that would premote ideas that have little redemming social value, but large consequences, I.E guilds that advertise defimation,obscenity, guild such as these should not be allowed.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006

America, how I dispise it...

Order Of The Mystic Phoenix


I don't see a problem with it. As long as they don't "prech" to others of other faiths there shouldn't be any conflicts. I mean arn't all Guild "Suppose" to be players who share some type of quality or ideal? I mena sure you have the member hungry ones but arn't the bets guilds the ones hwo share an ideal.

Sir Mad

Sir Mad

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Moe's Pub

Pigs Can Fly [Pigs]


All in all I think any guild that advertises certain themes are ok EXCEPT for guilds that would premote ideas that have little redemming social value, but large consequences, I.E guilds that advertise defimation,obscenity, guild such as these should not be allowed.
If you take it that way, guilds are a "private" thing - what's wrong with obscenity then (if the officers let the members they recruit know what they can expect from the guild at the beginning)? I mean, if the players are obscene in the GH or use obscene words/comments in the guild chat but not in public, it should be OK too. If it's not then there are just as many reason to critisize religious/political/whatever guilds.

Dixie Lady

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006



Originally Posted by Shoitaan
Its . As Stemnin said, its more to do with playing with a party of like minded people.
Exactly right. Would you have objected if it had been an aethist guild? I am so surprised that anyone should think there should not be christian guilds



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2006


I don't mind those guilds at all. I understand the concept and think it's cool that they make it though. It's pretty fun for those who want to be surrounded by people they feel a connection with; it's easier to have a friendly atmosphere to evolve through the game than constantly bickering about "you don't like my faith" or whatever.

However, I like differences; I'm a gay man, but I don't want to join an all-gay guild, just like I don't want to join an all-necro guild 'cause I'm a necro player. I have enough points in common with my guild, yet I can be unique in it .

But that's just my point of view .

Stalker Haras

Stalker Haras

I Didn't Do It

Join Date: Jul 2005


Last i had read the ToSA (Terms of Service Agreement), guild's based off of religion aren't allowed in the game, but they might have changed it.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2006

why does it really matter if they are playing together theres nothing wrong about it

i mean you got guilds with frieds that share a common interest. Religion is an important thing to some people me on the other hand...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Benecia Renovatio [RenO]


Originally Posted by Stalker Haras
Last i had read the ToSA (Terms of Service Agreement), guild's based off of religion aren't allowed in the game, but they might have changed it.
Considering how selctively ANET enforces its own rules, it's not like it really matters.

Sir Mad

Sir Mad

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2006

Moe's Pub

Pigs Can Fly [Pigs]


As this thread has been ressurected...

You may not organize nor be a member of any pledges or groups within Guild Wars that are based on or espouse any racist, sexist, anti-religious, anti-ethnic, anti-gay, or other hate mongering philosophies.
So apparently there's nothing against religious guilds, provided they do not reject other religions, don't espouse homophobic philosophies, etc.

Minus Sign

Minus Sign

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2006


I was in a Christian Alliance for a while and I don't see where the ToSA or EULA applies really.

There is a fundamental difference between anti-religious and pro-christian; a line too many people are trying to blur imo.


Join Date: Dec 2005




Please, keep religion away from games. They have messed up the world enough, don't start messing with the last human bastion....



The Hotshot

Join Date: May 2006


International District [id???]


Father Anansi

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Death By sNu [sNu]


Hey man, if someone wants to play a recently converted Necromancer, more power to them! I've never liked being the minority so i'll stick to my characters polytheistic roots; gives my Ritualist one last thing to explain to her parents in Cantha.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



So what about the christian group that always wins in HoH's. It's name is an advertisement for a religious product ( the bible on DvD or something along those lines.) That's in-game advertisement for a product.

I can turn the channel when that crap comes on t.v., or close the door in their face when they show up at my doorstep. However you're kinda forced to see it for a few seconds in chat.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006

FL (from Long Island NY)

Rage Against The Dying [RAGE]


christian guilds are a great idea its a good way to find decent people in guild wars because most players wanting to join a christian guild won't steal scam etc... and once again guilds are for like minded people

and to religion has not messed the world up people who DO NOT UNDERSTAND religion mess the world up ex Osama Bin Laden, and Pope Urban II who was the leader of my religion for a period of time!

<== do i really have to say it's all in the name catholic =)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005


Jaxtell, how do you not understand how there is a place in guild wars for christianity? The reason for guilds and alliances are to bind people with similar interests foremostly. Personally I don't see a problem with it, just hop there aren't any crusades in guild wars

Guardian of the Light

Guardian of the Light

Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

Radicals Against Tyrants


I've been in quite a few diverse guilds in Guild Wars.

I can tell you that sex/race/belief etc don't make a difference as to who a person is.

The great thing about guild wars is that it doesn't matter who you are on the outside world just how you play the game.

But ya if someone wants to set up a christian guild I say let em.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Charter Vanguard


We have a Christian guild in our alliance. While several members were apprehensive about the entire atmosphere becoming religiously tense during the time where they joined us, they've turned out to be one of our greatest allies and best friends. I believe they still maintain their bible readings on their private forum, but never take bible touting onto alliance channel. All we see are the fruits of their faith; gentleness (been insulted but never retaliated), humility (they're the best in GvG of the bunch, and have never boasted), helpfulness (helping and never asking to be helped in return) and loads of patience.

If all Christian guilds were like them, I'd surely hope to bump into more.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


I'm also agnostic, but I don't mind a religious guild. A "guild" by definition, is a group of people with common interests banding together. So long as they don't degrade others or promote things which could be considered morallly wrong, I don't care.

I used to be offended by that guild Terrorists Win, until I learned that the name was a Counterstrike reference. Now I don't mind it at all.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006


Die or Leave Plz


If they want a Christian Guild just let them they aren't a problem

Not A Fifty Five

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

Creating guild


*shrug* i dont think its a problem but at the same time I think its pretty silly. And as for the link to the guild of the week, that guild has non christians in it, its just led by a minister. I also find it funny, a full christian group going "Hey lets go kill each other yeah! oh hey anyone wanna go to the pagan godlands to go shard hunting?"

But you must admit, its better than the german SS asshole guild.



Debbie Downer

Join Date: May 2006


I've always thought that a Christian guild in a game where all the characters are polytheistic was kinda ironic. Kinda forgot the First Commandment there.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

Crimson Claw


What games ARE Christian? ...actually i have played a game called "THE BIBLE GAME".... for xbox was lame. Doesnt leave many choices for us Christians to play. I love fantasy and science fiction.... and GW is my favorite game... and Im a Christian... Its not againts my beliefs to read a non Christian novel.... cmon... i think we are being a little silly...or confused at what Christianity ...true Christianity is....



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Paladins of Pellenor

Christians are not against fun, people. We play games just the same as you! Of course, not games that are totally demonic/sexual in content...just the same as moral-conscious non-Christians. (Of course those are rare, esp nowadays.)

In fact I am atm playing Stronghold Legends on my computer. It has werewolves, humans, dwarves, ect. in it, but it offers those up merely as a fantasy, not an advertisement such as Harry Potter's view of sorcery.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


Battlecry Warlords


From my personal point of wiev such guild does not belong into the gw. On another site of my i dont wanna see something like that or hear from it ingame, this is a gw not a church.

Originally Posted by clawofcrimson
What games ARE Christian? ...actually i have played a game called "THE BIBLE GAME".... for xbox was lame. Doesnt leave many choices for us Christians to play. I love fantasy and science fiction.... and GW is my favorite game... and Im a Christian... Its not againts my beliefs to read a non Christian novel.... cmon... i think we are being a little silly...or confused at what Christianity ...true Christianity is....
Its human illusion based on stories, "maybe" vatikan will reveal its real story... until then church as church is for me money maker.

If some one feels insulted by my words, dont be... its only my opinion.





Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2006


It hurts to see such a harsh view of christians and christianity, thats why I never bring up christian anything. As soon as you do someone wants to make a joke or complain, it just doesnt make sense to me.

But hey, if you worship satan are an atheist or generally just a moron, you're more than welcome to make a guild and enjoy the game.

Originally Posted by Zinger314
I've always thought that a Christian guild in a game where all the characters are polytheistic was kinda ironic. Kinda forgot the First Commandment there.
hmmm..... What about the Sixth Commandment, this game is all about killing people.

Woop Shotty

Woop Shotty

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ruthless Mafia [RM]


Yup, when I see people discussing controversial subjects in the game, I recommend that they take it outside of the game. This game is not the place for that sort of thing. It's not that people shouldn't have fun and discusss things, it's that GW is a place to play the game GW, and that it's not a place to try to convince people things like religious matter.

Cloudpiercer, you probably should be careful about calling people morons, based on beliefs or not.



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

This thread is in a death spiral it seems . . .