I salvaged an avicara armor, get 1 steel ingot, nothing new, however, the image is a raven staff, and it won't stack in materials with other steel. Bug?
EDIT: Upon changing characters, when I came back, the image was back to normal steel. Odd still.
Hrm, Any Clue How This Happens?
Deadly Panda
U tried to sell to a trader, maybe that wil work.
and otherwise its just a bug/
and otherwise its just a bug/
Horseman Of War
ive had that happen once or twice. its just the graphic, no change to the actual mechanics of the item in question.
Hmm.. so maybe all those people selling mursaat tokens as ecto are just experiencing a bug after all and they are all honest

I've had something similar; a newly bought salvage kit looked like a white ettin pauldron. :S