Crafting 101
In my proposal for a crafting system, crafting is a 3 step process. For convinence sake this would work for any type of items, but I'm just going to use weapons for most of my examples.
1. Acquire weapon design
The first thing you'd have to do to craft is get the design of the item you wish to craft, be it armor, weapons, offhands, or mods. You would use a designer's kit on the item and while the weapon you are looking at gets destroyed, you can now make items just like that. Once you do that, you have the ability to make a max damage, req 9 weapon, max +energy/al offhand/shield, or plain max armor of some skin.
2. Acquire bonus
Unless you want to make a white weapon with no bonus, you'd have to get a bonus recipe to add to your item to make it a blue weapon with a bonus. So if you want to make a 15>50 weapon or a +hp armor, you'll need to get a bonus recipe (how to get them will be discussed later) and then you can make a blue weapon with some inherant bonus. For staves and off hands, you can get to add two bonuses.
3. Make the item.
Now that you have the design and the bonus recipe, you go to your crafting tab (under the hero screen), select the item you want to make, the bonus you want to give it, and if you have the materials you craft the item. Note that for all armor or an item you want to create that is customized for the buyer, you need to type in the name of the person that'll be using it... even if it's your own PC's name.
Crafting Materials
In this crafting system, you need to have 3 materials to craft an item. The first two are the mats for the weapon you are making. So if I'm making a 15>50 katana, I'll need 40 iron and 6 steel (or if I'm making a plain katana, then I'd need 40 iron). Then there's one more thing that you'd have to buy (from a merchant) to use in crafting: crafter materials. These act as a money sink and to make sure that the items that are entended to be rarer stay rare by making them more costly to create; this would be for hammers, tongs, molds, etc. IE if you wanted to make the example katana you'd need about 2.5k worth of crafter materials which will be used up on creation.
There should also be two grades of crafter materials.
Standard: 500 gp per unit and can be used in most items.
Expert: 1K per unit and are required for rare items... A +5 energy katana would probably need 5 of these or a piece of 15K armor would need 5 of these plus 5 standard crafter items.
The crafting system should have titles like all others, but with one chevet: in the crafting system, titles actually will mean something to a crafter. First of all, someone without a title or with a lower ranked one would have to need more materials to create an item. Secondly, if you don't have the highest rank, you can't create the best items like +5 energy weapons, fellblades, IDSs, or 15K armor.
none - 250% crafter materials needed
1. - 200% crafter materials needed
2. - 150% crafter materials needed
3. - 100% crafter materials needed
4. - 80% crafter materials needed
5. - 60% crafter materials needed for normal items, can create expert items for 100% of crafter materials needed.
Crafters Guild
The crafter's guild will be important for all crafters. It will have a number of quests which give out exp, money, requisitions (can trade in for items), traders (for designs and recipies that drop or extra ones you come across), material NPCs (who can make rare mats) and Crafter's Guild faction. Also the crafters guild will let you turn in items you have created for faction (armor will be named Crafters Guild or something like that).
The Crafters Guild will also have the only places to craft at so you need to be a member to craft here.
What does faction get you if you turn it in (and an exmaple of cost):
Weapon/offhand designs (normal skins) - 1k
Weapon designs (rare skins) - 10k
Armor (normal skins) - 5k for a set
Armor (elite) - 10k for a set
Inherent bonus recipies -1K for min, 3K for medium, and 5k for max
Mod designs and recipies - 1K for min, 3K for medium, and 5k for max
Materials, some rare mats, and crafter mats at slightly reduced price (say 10% off to buy) - savings of items bought
A crafting system proposal
i see the rich getting richer and poor getting poorer
WTS: 15>50 katana:give me 80% crafting material, crafting cost and i earn 20% material myself...
/not signed
titles are there to look at, but no practical effect for a reason...
WTS: 15>50 katana:give me 80% crafting material, crafting cost and i earn 20% material myself...
/not signed
titles are there to look at, but no practical effect for a reason...
Vladmir Mironov
^ Agreed.
The rich will always get richer. The rich already have 1 million GP. The rich can make 10K+ an hour trading or farming.
What this is about is making more weapon/armor skins available than what you can get at the crafters or getting them to people in a more convenient place.
And you aren't going to sign it because people will get, at best if they match the crafters, 2.5k in money and 200-300 gp worth of mats and rare mats?
What this is about is making more weapon/armor skins available than what you can get at the crafters or getting them to people in a more convenient place.
And you aren't going to sign it because people will get, at best if they match the crafters, 2.5k in money and 200-300 gp worth of mats and rare mats?