hi i need help and hav a question

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


im wondering if, whenever you take a screenshot of guildwars in-game like.... u wanna take pics of you're ranger near a fountain and then put it up as a wallpaper on ur computer. is that possible???

if its possible then can someone take pictures of my chars and sent it to my email and i will pay guildwars money. or just teach me how to take pictures....

Osi Ri S

Osi Ri S

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

Trinity of the Ascended [ToA]


all you really need to do is press the Print Screen button on your keyboard above the insert button and it will be saved to your hard-drive, now all you have to do is find out where the picture was saved (most likely C:/ProgramFiles/Guildwars/Screens) then right click on it and set to desktop backround and you have it as your backround

then if you want to post it your best bet would be to change the file type but i wont get into that now unless you need it

chicks boy

chicks boy

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006

No guild


hi thx for replying

it said " File is Full ", so i cant print screen i... ????? can u take picture of my chars ill meet u in da game ...

Vladmir Mironov

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2006

The Almighty

To take a screenshot in Guild Wars you press the Print Screen/SysRq button. (Usually located in top right of keyboard.)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006


Originally Posted by chicks boy
hi thx for replying

it said " File is Full ", so i cant print screen i... ????? can u take picture of my chars ill meet u in da game ...
If you go to options you can set the max number of screenshots (I think...), if not GW is bugged or your computer is running low on space. Restart GW and set up the picture again if the other two don't work.

Mister Overhill

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Tampa, Florida

Sticks and Stones


Shift+ctrl+h clears the interface from the screen (and restores it), so you can take nice shots without all that stuff being in the way. Of course, you may not want to do that in the middle of a fray.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

House Behelit


Or you could just press ctrl+printscreen (or shift+printscreen, i cant remember) and that takes away the UI for that screenshot.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Oct 2005

Planet Earth, Sol system, Milky Way galaxy



It's Ctrl+Shift+Print Screen to take a screnshot without the UI.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



shift+print screen takes a pic with no UI.
You do not have to press ctrl as well.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

aside from the topic, is it possible to take a screen shot and automatically have the computer store it as a jpeg or png?! converting it every single time is rather painful...



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006


I don't now if you can change settings so you can automatically get the screenshots saved as jpeg or png.

If you use ctrl+print, as you do for a normal screenshot, you can open paint and paste the image, instead of looking for it in you gw screenshot folder and convert it. It's a bit faster IMHO. You do have both file formats then, though.