Guild alliance change??
hi guys, just wondering if its possible to change a guild from one alliance to the other, like my luxon guild to kurzick and vise versa, reason is i want to get the max titles for both but dont wanna have to switch guilds
If you go to Cavalon/House Zu Heltzer you should be able to change it (I'm 90% Sure my guild was Luxon at one point)
can anyone else here confirm this?
I can confirm you 100% you can switch back to kurzick and luxon as many times as you please, just has a 500g penalty and you also lose all your Guild faction.
max titles for what is my first question
u dont have to leave ur guild to get titles from the other faction unless u meant the friend of (insert alliance name here) then yes u would need to change
but one thing i can tel u is i think u may be able to get the title by guesting in guilds and donating to them
not sure if this works though. i have guested but nvr tried giving the points to the guild
u dont have to leave ur guild to get titles from the other faction unless u meant the friend of (insert alliance name here) then yes u would need to change
but one thing i can tel u is i think u may be able to get the title by guesting in guilds and donating to them
not sure if this works though. i have guested but nvr tried giving the points to the guild