Firstly, apologies if this is in the wrong place, but I wanted to check if anyone else is experiencing this;
Running around the Jade Sea there are groups of Naga. In these groups of Naga are Rangers. These Rangers use the Escape skill. So far so good, but here is the problem...
When the Escape skill wears off they continue evading melee attacks as if it was still active until they die.
Am I alone in noticing this? if so would someone be kind enough to go provide a second opinion - I have made sure it was repeatable (happens every time) and I wasn't suffering from any hexes or other spells.
Is this a bug or working as intended?
Do you mean "wears off" as in the skill icon disappearing? If so, that doesn't mean the skill has worn off, it's still there. I can't think of anything else, never seen/heard about this.
Tyggen - I think what's meant is that the little bar showing the name of the skill fades out, usually an indication that the skill being used is finished. Yet the Naga are still evading.
OP - And yes i also have noticed this. Next time you are there and this happens time the event. The skill last for 5 to 17 seconds. See if in fact it is lasting longer. Another thing is to take a skill like wild blow (if warrior) with you and use it to stop the stance. If not once they go into the stance, attack a warrior naga, then go back to the archer.
OP - And yes i also have noticed this. Next time you are there and this happens time the event. The skill last for 5 to 17 seconds. See if in fact it is lasting longer. Another thing is to take a skill like wild blow (if warrior) with you and use it to stop the stance. If not once they go into the stance, attack a warrior naga, then go back to the archer.
I wouldnt be surprised when this is something to do with all problems in GW lately: all kinds of errors/connection problems in USA West Coast, Australia and extreme lag in Europe...
I also see things that shouldnt happen like ranger traps going off within 5 seconds while not triggered (where they should last 90 seconds) or seeing enemies on spots while the game thinks they are somewhere else... and probably a lot more weird things (i only play trapper lately).
I also see things that shouldnt happen like ranger traps going off within 5 seconds while not triggered (where they should last 90 seconds) or seeing enemies on spots while the game thinks they are somewhere else... and probably a lot more weird things (i only play trapper lately).
Originally Posted by Ondo
Tyggen - I think what's meant is that the little bar showing the name of the skill fades out, usually an indication that the skill being used is finished. Yet the Naga are still evading.
Ole Man Bourbon
You can't see stances being used by your enemy like you can hexes, conditions, and enchantments. Never understood why that is.