Please HELP!
The thing is, my gmail account got hacked, and now the person has changed my GW account password. I simply need a Email/Account name change, but I only have the CD key. Can this be done? And who wouls I write an email to. Please help me out here

Knightsaber Sith
Contact the plaync support.
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Note* expect a very arduous battle with support
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Note* expect a very arduous battle with support
Marty Silverblade
Yes I Know I'm Typing In Caps And I Never Ever Do This Because It's Very Important For Emailing Nc Soft/anet. Never, Ever Ask For Anything That Has Been Taken/sold/deleted. They Will Ignore You And You Will Still Not Have You're Account Back.
Wow, even when I type in caps it turns it to caps only on the first letter. That's weird.
Wow, even when I type in caps it turns it to caps only on the first letter. That's weird.