ok so i just recently beat factions and got the AMMY OF THE MISTS and i know its worth around 25-30k and so i wanted to know which of the exchange items is worth the most(the weapons)
i would love to know because trying to get 75k witht the UW being closed to america is a pain in my a.... u know what .
also i know this isnt the right forum but if u have a good idea on where to farm as a 55 for good cash and items do tell.
Thnx in advanced
ammy of the mists
mmm go to campfire there are loads of builds there for 55.
And if you already know the price, why not sell the amulet.
And if you already know the price, why not sell the amulet.
None of the items are worth more than the ammy...just sell the ammy...
good luck getting more than 25k for it too. :P
yeah i was going to say good luck geting 15k, who actually buys them anymore lol