Drop Rate & How It's Calculated...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Has Anet ever discussed or alluded to the way the green weapon drops are calculated. Since it's green wkd approaching there must be some database that controls the drop rate that they tweak?

Malice Black

Site Legend

Join Date: Oct 2005

Green weekend was postponed...

There has to be some kind of system but Anet will never discuss it with the general population.

Jumping Is Uselss

Jumping Is Uselss

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

-... . .... .. -. -.. / -.-- --- ..-

If Anet is not going to discuss it we can just assume it is random. My theory is Anet probably looks at a heavily farmed area and will decrease the drop rates to discourage people who use bots.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



Originally Posted by Jumping Is Uselss
If Anet is not going to discuss it we can just assume it is random. My theory is Anet probably looks at a heavily farmed area and will decrease the drop rates to discourage people who use bots.
I don't want to digress to much here, but I hear of bots alot on these forums, what are they?

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Originally Posted by The Admins Bane
There has to be some kind of system but Anet will never discuss it with the general population.
There is a system. Noobs get all the green drops . The more you have to yell out 'GRAB THE DAM GEAR' the more greens they get . That's why Anet is so smart though . If you don't know how it works you can't farm it, but if you do know it then you can't farm it because you are no longer a noob .

I don't want to digress to much here, but I hear of bots alot on these forums, what are they?
Bots are things people download to farm for them. Bots basically make a character (usually Mo/W or W/Mo, depends on what they are for though), go to a particular place, and do a certain thing repeadedly. One obvious example are 'troll' bots. If you go to Droknar's Forge you can watch them go by. They come in, go out, kill trolls, pick up stuff, come back to Droknar's Forge, sell to Merchant, go out, kill trolls...

Bots are BANNED things and being cought with one means you're account will be banned. Also, some bots contain 'key-loggers', which means when you install it, the program will not only give you a bot, but will send you're Email, Account Name, Password, and other personal details to whoever made the bot.

That's all I know. If I had a bot I would know more but I don't.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006



I have seen this type of behaviour within Droks, people running to and fro like you mentioned. I never even ussupected them to be non human controlled.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005


Well they're either bots or people being paid to farm.