To id or not to id?

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


I used to farm a lot but I've started doing chest runs and I really like them.

I see lots of people wanting to buy unided golds for 1k each. This makes me thinks... Either alot of people REALLY want that title, or buying golds for 1k ea makes you a profit.

I get mine for 600 ea... so I'm wondering, would I be better off iding my golds instead of selling for 1k ea?

And I know how to test stuff, I DO test all my swords/hammer/axes/bows, but aside from a quick +30 or +5 check, I don't really test any offhands or staffs. Maybe I'm missing out on some money by selling them unided?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tyria, cappin' ur bosses

Boston Guild [BG]


Eh, I'm iffy on the whole "sell/buy un-ID'd stuff" simply because of testing. And yeah, someone probably figured out that you can at least break even if you pay a plat for a rare and they probably are going for the title. But, I'm also fairly sure that some of them are making a profit off of people that don't think to test and sell something really rare for one measly plat.

Honestly, I can't tell ya' what to do. It's your stuff. If you feel confident that you can make some money selling like that, then I'd say go for it.

Hephaestus Ram

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005



Given that keys cost 600gp, then you have to go find the chests,
and even then there is no guarantee that you'll get a gold, some
people might think it's worth it to just pay 1k for unids.

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


that's some wonderful insight there, but not at all what I am asking...


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2006

I'm considering buying unID golds for the wisdom titles. My treasure hunter title used to be behind, but is now ahead by one. I think its 134 and 135 now. If I continue the way I do now, I'm sure my treasure title will be ahead of the wisdom title count by dozens and even hundreds.

Or I can offer to pay some lower amount to ID golds for people, then give them back. Or check Ascalon City to see if anyone would sell low end unID golds for 300 to 500 gold.

Or just deal with my treasure title count being way ahead. I'm not sure if I'll ever max it out. But if so, I guess the wisdom title count will catch up eventually. If they're both maxed out, I would imagine chest hunting won't be fun anymore. At least not on the same character =/

As for making money selling unID golds for 1k, it could work as long as you know for sure the gold won't be worth more than that when IDed. Like if it's some generic Water Wand or something. Or if you find a way to get a bunch of really cheapo golds from Old Ascalon and the Nothern Shiverpeaks and even the Kryta areas.

If you get a gold piece of armor, ID it. Could be a sup vigor rune.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

I go Chest Running all the time, and any Swords,Hammers,Axes or bows i get, any req, il iden, but any wands, offhands, staffs(if there high req) il sell unid for title.
i make alot of money doing this, as if the sword etc have any gd mods, like 30hp, 20/20ap etc, il make a good profit, but if there crap, il just merch them, and still make profit from selling the wands and things unid.

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


Originally Posted by onerabbit
I go Chest Running all the time, and any Swords,Hammers,Axes or bows i get, any req, il iden, but any wands, offhands, staffs(if there high req) il sell unid for title.
i make alot of money doing this, as if the sword etc have any gd mods, like 30hp, 20/20ap etc, il make a good profit, but if there crap, il just merch them, and still make profit from selling the wands and things unid.
the thing is a 20/20 staff can be worth A LOT more than any sword/axe/hammer you will ever get from any key'd chest... That's kinda what bothers me... even offhands if they are matching can be worth a lot.

The thing is, most of the time they are NOT 20/20 and are plain crap... I guess it's a question of frequency.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


From what i have learned ...IF u are still paying 600g + for a key you are paying to much.. Just spam WTB XXX Keys 450g in droks or wherever and u can easily get 10 20 30...from the farming machines out there ...THEN if u sell those golds for 1k (after testing) you are making a better profit. sure only like an extra 150-200g per but still not EVERY chest drops a gold, I am speaking strictly from a profit pov. SO if u buy 10keys at 450g per that 4.5k then say u get 6 golds out of those 10 keys and sell them for 1k each u make 1.5k profit. Which is enough to buy u 13 keys or u can buy 10 and put the extra 1500g back into savings. IF u continue to have enough golds to cover the purchase price of the keys u are still ahead of the game. I doubt if u will become rich doing this but It will support you in gaining your Chest titles.



Purveyor of Useless Info

Join Date: Oct 2005

Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


My advice is this, sell staffs req 11+, hammers req 12+, offhands req 12 and 13. For the most part, those are unprofitable. Check for HP mods, but honestly other than an occassional +1 (20%) wrap, (and I mean very occassional), they don't sell well, or past 1k each anyway.


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Valour Of Cantha


ID the ones that are most likely to be worth something

Oh a GW forum

Oh a GW forum


Join Date: Oct 2006


Originally Posted by Coridan
From what i have learned ...IF u are still paying 600g + for a key you are paying to much.. Just spam WTB XXX Keys 450g in droks or wherever and u can easily get 10 20 30...from the farming machines out there ...THEN if u sell those golds for 1k (after testing) you are making a better profit. sure only like an extra 150-200g per but still not EVERY chest drops a gold, I am speaking strictly from a profit pov. SO if u buy 10keys at 450g per that 4.5k then say u get 6 golds out of those 10 keys and sell them for 1k each u make 1.5k profit. Which is enough to buy u 13 keys or u can buy 10 and put the extra 1500g back into savings. IF u continue to have enough golds to cover the purchase price of the keys u are still ahead of the game. I doubt if u will become rich doing this but It will support you in gaining your Chest titles.
I do runs at raisu so I don't think there is a real supply of keys there...

Aki Soyokaze

Aki Soyokaze

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006


If you know how to test them and you do test them, then by all means id the ones you know will give you something good. You can either salvage the mod or sell it as is and make more of a profit than if it were just a 1k un-id. Then when you know that you've got all the ones that are actually worth anything you can sell the un-id'd ones to someone who is just shooting for the title.