It would probably work, but only for the characters you bring to Cantha and get it with. If you only get it with one character, that is the
only character that will have access to it. If you bring all your characters to get it, then all of them will get it, but if you remake any of them, or make new characters, then those remade/new characters won't have access to it.
Hmmm, I guess technically, if you kept getting things like this free trial thing and using them, then you could have the same storage as someone with all the chapters.... Seems sortof like a glitch or something that needs to be fixed to me...
Originally Posted by Sjeng
Why don't they just include the Xunlai upgrade in Nightfall as well? Seems only fair to those who bought Prophecies and Nightfall to have the same extras as someone who bought Prophecies and Factions.
If the material tab disappears after having bought it (even if it is just 50g a character) there should at least be a warning that you will lose it and all materials in it after the key expires.
Originally Posted by Tijger
Because its an incentive (or reward, however you want to look at it) to buy Factions. I think its safe to assume that Nightfall will also have something unique to it that players who dont buy Nightfall wont have access to.
Personally, I think this is a good thing, it adds value for those who own Factions but thats just my opinion.
Like he said, it is insentive for buying Factions. It has nothing to do with Prophecies. If you just get Factions, you still have access to the extra materials storage, even if that is the only chapter you own.